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Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance Avatar

New Member


October 2005
Thought I'd write a small tutorial, so here goes.

In php you can have variables, which you can in pretty much every language, and you can have constants, a form of variable with it's own properties, which I'll list now:

  • A constant once defined, cannot be changed or undefined
  • A constant must start with a letter (a-z) or an underscore, it may contain numbers too though, just not at the beginning.
  • Constants may only contain scalar data (boolean, int, string and float)
  • A constant doesn't comply with the variable-scope.

The last point there is pretty much why constants are good (and why they are called constants really). You can access the value of a constant (or check if it's defined) -anywhere- in your software, it could be a function, an oop wrapper, a function inside an oop wrapper, anywhere.

So, how do we define constants? It's really easy, take a look:

define('CONS_NAME', 'CONS_VALUE');

How can you get the value? Simply by calling it's name, for example:

Or you can use constant();, more info on that here:

So how about checking if the constant exists?
if (defined('CONS_NAME'))
echo 'constant is defined';

That's all easy then, what about a good scenario for a constant, well, let's say your software all ran through 1 file, index.php for instance, index.php however included/required other files, say functions.php and such, all good, but what if you didn't want users to access functions.php via there browser? Simple.

In index.php you'd place:
define('IN_SYS', true);

At the top (below <?php/<?) of functions.php
die('<h4>You may not access this script directly.</h4>');

Well, I'm sure you can put it to use as you see fit, hope this helped :)

- Zero Tolerance


Llanilek Avatar
Former Elite Mod

Dedicated Studio Member


October 2005
you have some examples of what you can use constants in?


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I think its just a way to keep more organized.

See, you could have only text data stored in it, so basically, you could set a constant for the membres access levels (Admin, EMod, Mod, Member, Guest, etc.) and you could save the variables for arrays, MySQL connections, etc.

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance Avatar

New Member


October 2005
Well it can store text/numbers/float numbers and boolean (true/false).

Personally i'd use constants for the example I gave and any variable that didn't need to be changed that would be used globally throughout a program, another example would be vBulletin storing the database prefix in a constant, it's used all over so it makes sense to make it a constant :)

- Zero Tolerance


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Can you redefine a constant at any time?

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance Avatar

New Member


October 2005
A constant once defined, cannot be changed or undefined


- Zero Tolerance


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Oops. :P I missed that while I was reading over it.
