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fireindy Avatar

Official Member


May 2007

I know, everyone loves loops right? Well in VB, they're not as hard as you think they are. I grouped each line into a table so its easier to understand.
Ok a loop is steup in this way:

For * As Integer = * to *
[ Statements ]

For This initiates the loop.
* As Integer The first star is the variable name. This loop only works for integers. Because yuou cant loop through a sting like this.
(Eg. myVar as Integer)
= * to *
Then you set your variable to some value. (eg. 1 to 10 (for integer))


Statements are what you want your loop to do. So if I have a listbox on my form, And want to loop through my numbers and add them to the listbox, I'd do it this way:
For i as integer = 1 to 10
'set i as integer and equal to 1 through 10
Listbox1.Items.Add (i)


All "Next" does is close the loop and then repeat to the top. And then loops. The loop.

That is on a "For Next" loop. There are other loops. Such as "Do While" loops, "Do Until" Loops, but this is a general idea. And if you have any questions post here or send me a PM. If you want to do any Visual Basic, you know making Windows applications or whatnot, go downwload Visual Basic Express Edition from Microsoft. Any questions, PM me.
