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April 2006
Template Name: Crimson Revenge 2
Created By: Scorpian
Provided By: Roddy Innovations
Download: NONE! ;D

Well, I bet you never saw this coming. Knowing me (and how lazy I am), you'd never think I'd go back and re-do one of my previous templates. Fooled you, didn't I? ;D. Anyawas, Crimson Revenge was the first template I ever made. It was also my most popular. I've seen almost as many forums use Crimson Revenge as I've seen use Soumak's famous Red Destiny template. Well, I know that this wasn't my favorite template, so I decided to change that :). I went back and re-made every image. I tried to keep to the feel of the original Crimson Revenge template while adding in the new skills I've learned.

To install this skin, here's what you need to do:
Go to your admin panel >> Headers & Footers >> Global Header/Footer. Now, copy the following code to the Global Header:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' />
<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src=''>
/* Roddy Innovations
Crimson Revenge 2 - A skin by Scorpian
All coding & images in this skin were made for this template.
Use of any of either on another board not using this template
will result in said board being deleted. If you use this
template, you agree to use all images & coding or none.
Copyright ©2006 Roddy Innovations, Inc. */

After you've coppied that over, copy this to your Global Footers:
<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>
var riBanner = '';
<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src=''></script>

Now, click "Save Changes". You'll return to your admin panel. Click "Headers & Footers" again. This time, select "Main Header/Footer". Copy this code to your Main Footers:
<script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src=''></script>
Click "Save Changes". You've successfully installed the skin, but we're not done yet. Now click "Skins/Forum Colors" >> Modify Skin >> Skin name. Enter this information into the fields:

Now, the skin is installed. If you'd like to customize the banner, never fear. Here are 2 banners you can use:
Blank GIF
Blank PSD

Upload the image to your image host, and then modify the second line in the Global Footers coding to state the URL of your banner instead of mine. Now, you're done. Since virtually every little thing that's required to make this skin is remotely hosted, I can still change the images and fix any errors without you having to lift a finger. Enjoy :)
