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Xylish Avatar

Ghost Admin


June 2005
I just had a phone call from a high-level academic asking why his screen was so white, bright, and blurry, and if there was any way he could increase the amount of ink it used.

I directed him to his monitor's brightness and contrast controls.

* Him: "Brightness and contrast controls? What do they do?"

As a friend of mine has just commented, "Funny. There's a brightness dial on the monitor, but the users don't get any smarter."

* Customer: "I would like to place an order."
* Tech Support: "Unfortunately, we are unable to take orders over the phone. All orders must be placed on our web site."
* Customer: "Web site?"
* Tech Support: "You need access to a computer that's connected to the Internet in order to visit our Internet site and place an order."
* Customer: "Where is the computer?"
* Tech Support: "..."

# Customer: "Hi. I was using Word, and my PC says it's lost its network connection."
# Tech Support: "Ok, can you read me the error message?"
# Customer: "Er...error message? Where's that?"
# Tech Support: "It should be on your screen."
# Customer: "Er..."
# Tech Support: "Ok, can you just tell me what's on your screen?"

The title says it, it's a wonder how people can still use computer with that knowledge.

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Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist :)

Haha! A friend of mine works at Fujitsu tech support, and he gets stuff like this all the time xD!


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
That is truly pathetic. Truly.



Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
ITs a wonder that they let just anyone use a computer.

Recently, my CD drive stopped working. I concluded that somehow a driver had been lost or corrupted. I emailed the company requesting a new driver. A few days later the driver was mailed to me, on CD.

That happened to me. o.o

Last Edit: May 22, 2006 23:51:02 GMT by Chris
