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Nicola Avatar

Official Member


September 2005
Yep, the flame topic of the century.. Or it may just be locked to prevent it, which is what I would do, with Joe's permission of course.. But anywho, I think it was wrong because people are dying just because of "weapons of mass destruction".


Nicola Avatar

Official Member


September 2005
Yeah.. I wouldn't of locked it yet, but I would of waited for awhile to see if it become a flaming thread yet. XD Eh, I can't explain it really but at least they found Suddam in the time they were there.. I wish John Karry won for President, I think he was going to stop all of this..


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
SHould be in General, cause its a current event.

Will move it after this post.


It wasn't "Weapons of Mass Destruction" it was "Weapons of Math Instruction" and Bush had a speech impediment (SP?) at that moment.

Honestly, the war was pointless. It was all for revenge for the war with his father, oil, and uhh.... money from oil.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Ok, I don't agree with the war itself, but I support our troops and what they're doing. They're dying for us. I mean, sure, the war is kinda pointless because you can never get rid of terrorism. You have a better shot at getting rid of happiness. But I'll support our troops fighting the war because it's not their fault. They can't say "Nope, I don't support this war, I don't feel like fighting it." They're stuck there so the least I can do is support what they're doing.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Because we were attacked. Were we supposed to say "Oh, damn, that sucks. Oh well, who wants briskits?". No, we've gotta defend ourselves. And by going to war like we did and for this long, we've proven we won't be pushed around. Now I think it's time we pulled out, in which we will when Bush is out of power I believe.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
9/11 was done by terrorists and we knew Saddam was harboring terrorists. So, we went after him. Regardless, this is something I could care less about and I won't argue really. Everyone has their own opinions on the war. All I ask is that you don't go bashing the troops fighting it.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
All I am going to say on this subject is that I blame Bush for the war in Iraq, it all could have been prevented, in my eyes he is a murderer. He helped kill so many of our soldiers.

I feel strongly about this, my boyfriend/fiance is in Basic Training for the Marines, which means once he is out, that there is a good possibility of him being shipped over to Iraq. And if that happens, and something happens to him, I will blame Bush forever, and I will do something about it (not killing him, but starting a protest or something).

The most crappy thing he has done recently was that he ws going to bring our soldiers home, but then he changed his mind and is keeping our soldiers for another 4 YEARS! 4 FREAKING YEARS!! Grrr! It pisses me off.

But that's all I'm saying for I don't want to say anything that would get me in trouble. :P

Last Edit: Aug 22, 2005 21:10:55 GMT by Kay


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
The war will end when Bush is out of power. And I know what that's like. My best friend and future brother in-law went to Iraq for a year and a half and just got back a few monthes ago. And he only joined so he could pay for college. He's only back for atleast a year and will most likely be shipped out again.

Edit: I wouldn't say it's Bush's fault because we were attacked and we needed to defend ourselves and show we're not just gonna be pushed around. But I do believe this war has gone on longer that it should have and should be over by now.

Last Edit: Aug 22, 2005 21:19:35 GMT by Lucifer


crenstelon. Avatar
Cren Monster!

New Member


August 2005
Lets discuss, right. The war on Iraq was needed although the loss of many lives was uneeded. Sadamm claimed to have weapons of mas destruction. Weapons of such in the wrong hands can cause damage to cities and even countries. He was a bad man. He punished his peoples in nasty ways. Unthinkable things.

The war on Iraq, stopped Sadamm and now he is in jail in the USA. Iraq is now recovering and building up as a country again. Although there are people who hate the decision about what happened, they don't see a good thing even if it is slapping them in the face several times.

I believe that the war on Iraq was needed although the 1000s of lives were taken.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
I agree with crenstelon. And now, I think we need to pull out. We went and did what we needed to do, there's nothing more to do besides get killed.

But everyone makes big deals about the people dying. Yes, it's tragic, but for a war, the number of casualties ir microscopic compared to pretty much every other war. ZExcept Grenado or whatever. It lasted for a day, but I agree, we're done there.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
prox said:
Get our soldiers home.


:) I'll drink to that! (if I had one :P )

That's all I want. I could less about Bush and his stupid decisions.
