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Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Hey. Just thoguht i'd pointlessly tell you guys about an event i'm participating in today >.< lol

its an event to raise money for cancer. before today, we got pledges from people and ect...

tonight(from 7pm-7am) we will be doing alot of stuff. we will be walking a relay(1 hour for each person) switching off with our team emebers(10 memebers per team). when we aren't on the track, we will be partying! lol

the first lap will be wlaked by caner survivors. cool eh? :P

anywys, the final and best thing. at midnight, 18 people(including myself) will have their heads shaved bald for cancer.

anwyays, thats relay 4 life. a 12 hour event, and something i will never forget.

remember, theres no finishline until we find a cure.



Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Heh. Sounds cool. Good luck with that and I hope you enjoy it. Events like that usually tend to be fun. :)

Last time I did one it was a "MS Walk" ran by a sophomore at my school. Micro-Sculiosis or something (can't remember spelling) was what MS stood for.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
yes. i know a few people with MS. not that best thing to have :\

anyways, the event turned out fun. i got my head shaved, so now i'm basically bald. our school raised $49,000(canadian dollar), for cancer. it was quite great.

when i go home, i slept for 14 hours. lol


nygdevils32 Avatar

New Member


June 2006
My school had this event.

I went to it the last 3 years. They had to reschedule this years because of a major thundertorm hitting the area. :-/


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
dravu2000 said:
I went to it the last 3 years. They had to reschedule this years because of a major thundertorm hitting the area. :-/

Weather can be such a nuisance. o.O
