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Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Well, Studio Zero could use some activity, something fresh, and something fun. So, we're gonna try a little "Choose your own adventure" type of roleplay here. What you need to do is fill out the following:


Post that and I will reply with a random variety of items in your inventory. This could range from a chainsaw to a herring, so it'll be interesting. Then, I tell you where you are and give you some options. You choose an option (try to make it detailed, but don't make too many actions in one turn lest you get ahead of me) and I'll post the outcome of that option. Just some things to remember:

-Being bold (aka stupid) can sometimes have positive results.
-Constantly playing it safe (which isn't fun) will usually result in death.
-Creativity is key. Remember, we can all be MacGuyver, so don't be afraid to test the limits of a straw.

Here's the plot:

You wake're in a daze and the TV is on. It's on one of those emergency broadcast type shows, but there is nothing but a inging noise. No announcer or commentator can be heard. Everything is quiet except for the sirens blaring outside (like tornado sirens) and a few car alarms. You get up and look out the window, but nothing can be seen except some flickering lights and a few red streaks. Could be blood, could be paint, but you're not certain of anything right now. It's about 2:00 in the afternoon and you have a strange sense of nausea. You're in your house, but don't remember getting there last night...your memory of yesterday after about 5:00 is hazy. Suddenly, you hear a noise at the door.

Post your profiles and I'll respond to each one accordingly. :)


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Name: James Larson
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Weight: 180 lbs.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Name: Fredy ladin
Age: 18
Sex: male
Weight: 150


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
salvager said:
Name: James Larson
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Weight: 180 lbs.


You wake up and hear the noise. Before you decided to do anything, you notice a box to your right full of equipment. Through further examination, you find:

-A toenail clippers
-A comb
-A 9mm pistol
-A roll of toiletpaper
-A rock with eyes drawn on it

You decide to put these items in a backpack (convieniently placed near the box) and make your decision. You can:

A.) Sit there and channel surf through...nothing.
B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.
C.) Exit the house through the window and save yourself possible danger which may await at the front door.

fredy said:
Name: Fredy ladin
Age: 18
Sex: male
Weight: 150


You wake up and hear the noise. Before you decided to do anything, you notice a box to your right full of equipment. Through further examination, you find:

-An empty Sprite bottle
-An old lava lamp
-A stick
-A rubberband ball
-Another, smaller box

You decide to put these items in a backpack (convieniently placed near the box) and make your decision. You can:

A.) Sit there and twiddle your thumbs.
B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.
C.) Exit the house through the window and save yourself possible danger which may await at the front door.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
i got all crap stuff :P

B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
fredy said:
i got all crap stuff :P

B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.

((Keep in mind, this is a roleplay. So when you choose your answer, describe it in detail. You can make some actions along the way (like peek around a corner, look in a closet for items, etc) because I can't give you every choice. You have to make some up.))

You get to the front door and see nothing except a bloody handprint on the glass on the door. You may:

1. Stare at the bloody hand print and try to decipher the hidden image (remember, look past the picture).
2. Go check outside for the cause of the disturbance.
3. Go upstairs and try to find more supplies.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
fredy takes out the stick(just in case) and then goes to cheak outside for the cause of the disturbance. he slowly opens the door and walks outside.

better roleplaying? :o


Virtuoso Avatar

Senior Member


May 2006
Name: Virtuoso
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Weight: 104(Does this make me weak? =()


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
at least i have a 9mm, and a rock with eyes drawn on it.

after thinking about what to do about the noise, it was getting on my nerves, i...
B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.

Last Edit: Jul 10, 2006 1:49:36 GMT by Salvager


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
fredy said:
fredy takes out the stick(just in case) and then goes to cheak outside for the cause of the disturbance. he slowly opens the door and walks outside.

better roleplaying? :o

((Better, but still pretty bland. Feel free to be more descriptive and add more actions along the way. You can improvise all you like, I'm just giving you three main objectives. What you do to complete those is entirely up to you.))

As you go outside, you see a few cars driven into trees, doors left open, windows broken, and other random chaotic scenes. You take a few steps forward, and hear another noise. It seems to be coming from around the corner of the house. This noise is different's sort of a moaning noise. You may:

1. Stand there, awestruck at what you see all the while comtemplating your next move.
2. Go and check for people in other houses and buildings.
3. Check out the moaning noise you hear around the house.

virtuoso said:
Name: Virtuoso
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Weight: 104(Does this make me weak? =()

((Not necessarily, it's just to help me get a mental understanding of your character.))


You wake up and hear the noise. Before you decided to do anything, you notice a box to your right full of equipment. Through further examination, you find:

-A plastic letter A
-A can of Mountain Dew
-A Grateful Dead CD
-A switchblade
-A cellphone

You decide to put these items in a backpack (convieniently placed near the box) and make your decision. You can:

A.) Go back to sleep.
B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.
C.) Exit the house through the window and save yourself possible danger which may await at the front door.

salvager said:
at least i have a 9mm, and a rock with eyes drawn on it.

after thinking about what to do about the noise, it was getting on my nerves, i...
B.) Go to the front door and investigate the cause of the noise.

You get to the front door and see nothing except a bloody handprint on the glass on the door. You may:

1. Stand there and continue to investigate the area.
2. Go check outside for the cause of the disturbance.
3. Go upstairs and try to find more supplies.

Last Edit: Jul 10, 2006 22:52:04 GMT by Lucifer


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
I saw the handprint and i thought, "Oh crap. This could get out of hand." So I decided to...
3. Go upstairs and try to find more supplies.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
salvager said:
I saw the handprint and i thought, "Oh crap. This could get out of hand." So I decided to...
3. Go upstairs and try to find more supplies.

As you walk upstairs, you hear the same noise again. When you turn to look back, you see a shadow figure cross in front of the door. You proceed up the steps into a spare bedroom. When you get in there, you see a screwdriver, a rubberband, and a stuffed teddybear. Your inventory is as follows:

-A toenail clippers
-A comb
-A 9mm pistol
-A roll of toiletpaper
-A rock with eyes drawn on it
-A Screwdriver
-A Rubberband
-A Teddybear

Suddenly, you hear a noise outside of the window. You may:

1. Go back downstairs and investigate the original noise.
2. Check outside the window for the cause of the new noise.
3. Sit on the bed and comb the teddybear's hair.

Last Edit: Jul 11, 2006 2:43:33 GMT by Lucifer


Virtuoso Avatar

Senior Member


May 2006
Virtuoso feels some hopefully unneeded fright. His hand sprouts up a charade of Goosebumps. "Who Is It?" he cautiously calls. There was no reply, except for a slight beating sound. Virtuoso walks up to the door, and quietly opens. He doesn't know why, but is consience makes him take out the switchblade.

Answer: B


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
I armed myself with my 9mm pistol and screwdriver and went to...

2. Check outside the window for the cause of the new noise.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
virtuoso said:
Virtuoso feels some hopefully unneeded fright. His hand sprouts up a charade of Goosebumps. "Who Is It?" he cautiously calls. There was no reply, except for a slight beating sound. Virtuoso walks up to the door, and quietly opens. He doesn't know why, but is consience makes him take out the switchblade.

Answer: B

((Here is a good example of roleplay. Please, RPer's, take a look and learn from it.))

As you walk towards the door, you pull out your switchblade. You push the button to reveal, not a blade, but a comb. Suddenly, there is another noise. As you look out the door, you see someone coming towards you. He is moaning and dragging his leg on the ground. He appear as if he were hit by a car and is muttering something that sounds like "...brains...". Then, he looks up at you and his eyes bulge. He lets out a gurgled cry, "BRAINS!". He proceeds to charge fast as a half dead, one legged "thing" can (basically, he's moving about as fast as you can walk now). You may:

1. Run back in the house and wait out the potential, one man siege.
2. Charge the zombie and attempt to incapacitate or kill it with one of your assorted tools
3. Run away down the street seeking more supplies, help, shelter, or otherwise.

salvager said:
I armed myself with my 9mm pistol and screwdriver and went to...

2. Check outside the window for the cause of the new noise.

When you peer out the window, you see a man stagger to the the front side of the house where you heard the original noise. Now, you may:

1. Jump out the window after him.
2. Go downstairs like a sane person would and out the front door to confront him.
3. Assume the featle position and hope for the best.
