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Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Well, this is the official announcement for the Non-PB Code Database. This is something a bit new we're trying... or well, semi-new. We had a CF/SL database a while back, so that's been brought back and merged into this, but the rest of the sections are new. This includes HyperBoards, NetworkBoards, and InvisionFree/ZetaBoards.

So, if you have codes for these systems, don't hold back from submitting. If you do submit, make sure to read the new rule 6 in the submissions board... gives you a bit of notice on how to label the codes.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this. Also, no, there isn't a dynamic code database for it... Sorry. :P


Zelnen Avatar

Official Member


June 2006
Yay! I've submitted some of my IF codes i'll submit some more later and i'll proboly try to get some other IF coders here.


Xylish Avatar

Ghost Admin


June 2005
Do HTML or CSS codes count? :P

Or even..PHP? XD
Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist :)
