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crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Xylish: I think you forgot to add a quote when adding a new code to the code index, which caused a code error and now nothing is showing in the code inde ;). So just though I'd tell you so you could fix it.

Also, would it not be better if the code index was just plain text instead of javascript?
If I have to, I'll do all the work to make it all text.

Just want to see some other member's opinions on the last one.


hpmad Avatar


September 2005
i think nby javascript is very convinient for the coding mod but itt slows down loadingg time for the users and the mods arent the ones ussing the codes, the members are, so i thinkk we should make this plain text :D


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Let their opinions reign then. =/

I'll fix the code database.
