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jongos Avatar

Senior Member


December 2005
Photomanipulation Created By Jongos

Works in PS and PSP. GIMP Unknown

We will Use this image

and turn it into this one
1. Open up the image.
2. Crop it to the size you would like
3. Duplicate the layer.
4. Filter artistic cutout with defaults
5. Filter artistic plastic wrap with defaults
6. Filter artistic watercolor with defaults
7. Change the top layer blending mode overlay.
8. Create a new layer.
9. Slide it in between the two layers you have already with the layer arranging.
10. Create a new layer and Fill it with scanlines if you dont know how to fill with scanlines Click Here
11. Change the blending mode of your scanline layer to soft light and turn the opacity down to about 40
11. Add a border and text and your done.

Sorry i dont give to many pictures i hate them :P
Thanks, Kay!
