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jongos Avatar

Senior Member


December 2005
Iced sig
1. Create a new document 450*150 fill it black.
2. Go to filter render lens flare and randomly place it inside the sig with the default settings.
3. Repeat step 2 5 times
4. Duplicate the Layer 4 times
5. On the top layer go to filter render wave default settings but press the randomize box a few times.
6. On the second to top go to filter render wave default settings but press the randomize box a few times.
7. On the third to top go to filter render wave default settings but press the randomize box a few times.
8. On the fourth to top layer go to filter render wave default settings but press the randomize box a few times.
9. Now set all the blending modes to lighten and merge all the layers with Ctrl E
10. Duplicate your layer and on the top layer go to Rotate canvase.
11. Go to filter stylize wind and apply that with the default settings twice.
12. Rotate the canvase back to normal.
13. If the blending modes are not on normal switch them to it and you should be done.
I came out with this
I add color at the end with Ctrl U and check colorise then play with the tabs to your liking.

Sidenote: There are no images because i t pisses me off having to upload picture after picture
Thanks, Kay!
