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[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
Alright, let's take a look at turning any rendered style of text into a decent gradient reaction. The end result will look like this:

First, just start off with a normal image. Create a background and make some text. Then, modify the text however you want. Give it some nice properties and make it look good.

Once you're satisfied, go ahead and duplicate the layer. Then, make sure that in the layer stack, you move it to right below the original text. If you put a gradient overlay on top of it, open up the blending options, and check "reverse gradient". That'll make sure it shows up like an exact reflection.

Now, this next step may or may not be necessary. It acted weird for me when I didn't do this, but that might not be the case for you. Try to skip this next step and see if it works. If not, reset your image to before the next step, and go ahead and do it. I recommend against it, as you will not be able to change the text or blending options after you do it, but if you must, you must.

Right click on the layer that'll become your reflection, and click "Group Into New Smart Object". That'll merge all of the blending options together into one solid image. Right click on it again, and choose "Rasterize". Needless to say, this rasterizes the layer. After doing these two steps, you won't be able to modify anything in the layer. Thus, don't do this unless the next step doesn't work.

Now, find the "Add Layer Mask" button. It's at the bottom of your layer stack to the left.

Now, select the gradient tool () and make a swipe across the image.

You'll end up with something like the example above. Keep trying different approaches until you get it. Remember that if you hold down the "shift" key, it'll remain perfectly straight while you pull it down.

I hope this tutorial was helpful. Thank you. :)
~ Scorpian

