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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
cddude229 said:
shadowyone said:

Well I meant PB board trends. I have no idea how popular other kinds of forums are on invision or whatever.

And I'd never make any kind of design forum either. Or probably any other one, most likely...

There's design forums outside of remotely hosted forums, you do realize that I hope. :P


I was saying I know design forums are popular on PB boards, but I don't know how popular they are on other types of boards, so I can't speak for trends there. Not that they don't exist.


Mithras Avatar

Studio Member


July 2006
cddude229 said:
There's design forums outside of remotely hosted forums, you do realize that I hope. :P

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lucifer said:
"Behold: me! I have authority in this building."


Tim Avatar

Official Member


January 2007
There is a lot of GFX forums and most of them are empty. It's odd how SSD is the largest one and they don't even do graphics requests, which is the main reason people join GFX forums in the first place.


Mithras Avatar

Studio Member


July 2006
I don't think that requests would be the breaking point really :-/

From what I've seen, only a very small percent of forum admins actually go to design sites for requests. I'd have to say that PBS gets at least 95% of the requests.

Support Rob Scuderi, the #1 Penguins Defender!

lucifer said:
"Behold: me! I have authority in this building."


slip Avatar
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Senior Studio Member


April 2006
That's true. But a noob will definitely be inclined to join a graphics forum that will fill his requests cos he can't make stuff on his own - I used to feel like that when I first started out with Photoshop. But dare I say, I won't rate any of the existing Gfx Forums above an 8/10 for efficiency in this matter.


urbancinderella Avatar
Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes when nobody is looking.

Official Member


August 2005
People join because of the graphics requests, but they rarely stay because of them. You'll get an inflated member count, but an empty community.

It's the main reason SSD was forced to switch to what it is now.

When it started out, it became a big hit pretty quickly; Proboards was still new and there just weren't very many well-made graphic design sites out there. So SSD stuck out when Lans put it on the map with his designs. As times went on and the graphic community grew stronger, it became obvious that the way it was being run wasn't going to cut it anymore; the members who had before been attempting to learn graphics by filling requests or only asked for signatures to be filled were being replaced by people who found the community in smaller boards and only came to get graphics that they needed, then left.

So when the request board got too busy and the task got too thankless, it was shut down. Yes, SSD is "growing" slower if you're looking at numbers, but it had gotten to the point where the requesters were only at SSD for that: to have their requests filled. Not to participate. Not to learn about graphics by example and joining in on the discussions. To have a request filled, then leave after their second post. :) Now those who join are joining generally to participate in events and to actually contribute.

And while I do agree there can be a feeling where there are too many people you don't know and an inner circle new members can find intimidating, there is a much stronger sense of community than there was before. And what's more... it'll only continue to get stronger.

Last Edit: Jan 21, 2007 8:18:36 GMT by urbancinderella
