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June 2005
I've been reading the newspaper lately and associating the facts with real life today, and I've realised that the moral decay in our society is growing worse, everyday.

Once, I saw a bunch of Maori punks (in New Zealand) harassing this woman. No body intended to help her and they just kept abusing her and gave her racist remarks.

It just seems to me that the ettique of the society and how we treat each other is decaying. What caused this moral decay? :(


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
TV! Videogames! Music! They are corrupting our children with this "Family Man" tv, and "Hot Coffee" and that derned "hippity hopp" music! It's blasphemy!

Ok, retarded sterotypes aside, I think it's just that people are lazy. No one wants to go out of their way to help others unless it's convienient. It's sad really...

I know people are treating everyone like crap, around where I am guys pick on girls that are 20 pounds and more over weight, calling them fat, and yet they have fat girlfriends, its just I wish we were like the japanese, they respect each other!


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Yeah, and people say I'm dumb for wanting to live in China. People in Asia have high moral values and treasure things such as religion and beliefs. You don't get fun of for meditating or openly practiciing martial arts. Which sucks for me since I've got the Book of Five Rings and I want to read it, but much of it revolves around martial arts and another book in it is about Zen and Taoism. So, I was considering practicing them, but my family would not only make fun of me, but they wouldn't support me since I'm "Catholic".

But yes, morality has at an all time low these days. It's times like this that I wish I lived in like 100 A.D. or whenever. People were much better then and they lived great lives as opposed to now.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Probably 'cause we have a lot more free time now. Ages ago, people had trouble surviving day to day, and that was the only thing on their mind. They were ruled by a king, meaning a strict society, and there were few aspects to their lives. But that doesn't mean there still weren't any immoral acts being done.


Zcourge Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
I sort of agree with you on that point, ShadowyOne, but I don't think that it is the only reason to this moral decay. I think the problem lies in the upbringing, if you come from a troubled home or your father or mother disrespects each other then you are bound to act the same.

My father once said: "Don't do as I do, do what I tell you," when he had been cursing out aloud when I was about five. And there lies the problem in my opinion, when we are kids we are taught what is wrong and right through other peoples actions.

If the older generation could take a step away from the disrespect and moral decay that has been acting like a plague and started treating each other with respect, then the younger generation would take after them.

That's my two cents in this discussion.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Moral Decay? Of course not. Everything is perfectly normal. That is why Bush is president..... WARNING! CLOWN ENGAGED! REALITY COMPROMISED!


Anyway. Moral decay is really major. Respect, belief, courage, encouragement, its all gone. Everything is. What is it? How many people commit suicide a year? Seriously. How many do? Probably too many. Way too many. I mean, come on, think about it..... why commit suicide? Seriously? Are you too weak? Is it because someone bullies you? IS that your shitty reason? Well then be fucking weak and kill yourself. You're only giving all the more power to the,.

Eh.... >_> I'm gonna stop ranting for now.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
cddude229 said:
Moral Decay? Of course not. Everything is perfectly normal. That is why Bush is president..... WARNING! CLOWN ENGAGED! REALITY COMPROMISED!


Anyway. Moral decay is really major. Respect, belief, courage, encouragement, its all gone. Everything is. What is it? How many people commit suicide a year? Seriously. How many do? Probably too many. Way too many. I mean, come on, think about it..... why commit suicide? Seriously? Are you too weak? Is it because someone bullies you? IS that your shitty reason? Well then be fucking weak and kill yourself. You're only giving all the more power to the,.

Eh.... >_> I'm gonna stop ranting for now.

But you were doing so well. Good points. How does suicide relate to moral decay, though? =P

Last Edit: Sept 8, 2005 1:31:40 GMT by Ess Ohh


Jamie85 Avatar

Studio Member


August 2005
It's all the chavs! They do it!

They're so intimidating too. I hate having to go near groups of youths even if they are my age for fear of taunts or even an attack. How stupid is that? I'm scared of being attacked when they haven't even threatened me. But that IS the moral decay, people hurt each other and do nasty things to each other for NO reason. It's awful.
