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Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007

Rates, reviews, all appreciated!


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
Pretty decent design, overall. However, it's just not consistent enough.

For starters, you have three real renders in the banner. Those are obviously photographs. Yet, on the other hand, not one single other aspect of the entire page has a sense of pure realism backing it. As a result, that banner really sticks out so much that it just feels awkward. I'd suggest manipulating that photo part to look less realistic or removing it all-together and replacing it with something else.

Next, the head/base images feel kind of strange. This will be hard to explain, but I'll try anyways. On the long part that stretches the length of the boards, it's difficult to tell where it starts to curve down (or up if it's the base image). I like that. However, on the top section (or bottom on the base), it has a sharp corner where it starts. That just looks weird. I also see there was a bevel put on that image. I'd get rid of the darker part that's at the bottom. In my opinion, that would improve the look.

As for the rest of the head/base image, the text needs work. I like how you have different colors for each category and even a mini description on each image. However, that text does not blend. An outer glow on text almost never looks good to me. Therefore, the descriptive text just does not look right. Also, the category name does not seem to stick out enough in those category cells. This is really evident in the green and yellow colors. I'd suggest trying to bevel it in there. However, instead of just using the bevel/emboss setting, try using a gradient bevel. Put a gradient stroke around that text. Make the color for the top slightly darker than the color of the background and the color for the bottom slightly lighter. That may work.

My last issue with the head/base is the base image. That looks like it's just an inverted head. It's harder than you think to pull that off. I know I did that here on SZv2.1, but I still had to modify it slightly to make it look right. I'd recommend removing the cell with the site name and the bottom part from the base image. Then, just shrink that big part vertically to make it look a little smaller and nicer.

Finally, the icons don't fit with the rest of the skin. They're small and simple. Everything else is a lot larger. Small icons do not work with large skins, and vise-versa. Well, I take that back. They can, but it's very tough to do it properly. I haven't managed it yet, myself. I'd recommend replacing them with larger icons that fit in a little better. Maybe you could try making them different colored icons for each category like you did with the head/base images? That may look good. ;)

Overall, it's a pretty good attempt. It just has a couple of flaws that need to be reworked. It still has the obvious feel of a skin that had effort put into it, though. Just add a little more, and it'll become better. ;)

:: rate 3 ::


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
Scorpian Avatar
Pretty decent design, overall. However, it's just not consistent enough.

For starters, you have three real renders in the banner. Those are obviously photographs. Yet, on the other hand, not one single other aspect of the entire page has a sense of pure realism backing it. As a result, that banner really sticks out so much that it just feels awkward. I'd suggest manipulating that photo part to look less realistic or removing it all-together and replacing it with something else.

Next, the head/base images feel kind of strange. This will be hard to explain, but I'll try anyways. On the long part that stretches the length of the boards, it's difficult to tell where it starts to curve down (or up if it's the base image). I like that. However, on the top section (or bottom on the base), it has a sharp corner where it starts. That just looks weird. I also see there was a bevel put on that image. I'd get rid of the darker part that's at the bottom. In my opinion, that would improve the look.

As for the rest of the head/base image, the text needs work. I like how you have different colors for each category and even a mini description on each image. However, that text does not blend. An outer glow on text almost never looks good to me. Therefore, the descriptive text just does not look right. Also, the category name does not seem to stick out enough in those category cells. This is really evident in the green and yellow colors. I'd suggest trying to bevel it in there. However, instead of just using the bevel/emboss setting, try using a gradient bevel. Put a gradient stroke around that text. Make the color for the top slightly darker than the color of the background and the color for the bottom slightly lighter. That may work.

My last issue with the head/base is the base image. That looks like it's just an inverted head. It's harder than you think to pull that off. I know I did that here on SZv2.1, but I still had to modify it slightly to make it look right. I'd recommend removing the cell with the site name and the bottom part from the base image. Then, just shrink that big part vertically to make it look a little smaller and nicer.

Finally, the icons don't fit with the rest of the skin. They're small and simple. Everything else is a lot larger. Small icons do not work with large skins, and vise-versa. Well, I take that back. They can, but it's very tough to do it properly. I haven't managed it yet, myself. I'd recommend replacing them with larger icons that fit in a little better. Maybe you could try making them different colored icons for each category like you did with the head/base images? That may look good. ;)

Overall, it's a pretty good attempt. It just has a couple of flaws that need to be reworked. It still has the obvious feel of a skin that had effort put into it, though. Just add a little more, and it'll become better. ;)

Okay. I've colourcoded these so I can address them more easily.

Ok, I've tried to make it less realistic, but I don't think it looks as good as it could. Your thoughts would be appreciated, and if you agree, please give me a good technique for making photos seem less real.

I have fixed the bevel and found it looks much better (thanks!) - however I am not going to change the 'sharp corner' issue (sorry).

Changed the text - big improvement. You like?

Due to high demand, I have killed off all the base images.

Due to high demand, I'm not changing the buttons unless someone does it for me. :-X



Spektral Avatar

New Member


July 2009
The design is real basic and suffers many flaws to the eye of professional web designers. However, this is the case with VERY MANY successful ProBoards forums, if not all. Just take a look at SSD, G101, Slightly Insane; all these forums started with a terrible design but became highly successful. Even Studio Zero had an initial design that improved over time (though in this case it is different because this forum is really like a runoff from PopoWeb which, too, had a terrible starter skin).

So all I can say is keep at it because I definitely see potential in your board.

As for design suggestions, I would say stay away from bit-fonts because they're very cliche on ProBoards (a huuuuge fad a few years ago).

Also, try concentrating on depth. I'd go into detail but it's really a matter of looking at other forum designs and "mimicking" their attributes.

And avoid huge transparent areas like the ones you have unless you have a talented enough coder to align things properly (the forum navigation looks extremely out of place).

The banner is also very awkward.

But keep at it. As your skills grow so will the forum and its looks.
