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Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
Which do you think is responsible for the origin of life? Which do you believe to be true? Please state evidence of your belief.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Well, i used to debate this topic with all I had in me, but, I have come to a simple conclusion.

To all my athiest friends, here are the two possible outcomes:

If your right....
I am a fool. I live a "goody goody life" and don't have any fun, then I die. And I'm done.
You are the smart one. You live a fun life, live it to its fullest. Then you die. And your done.
Meaning of life: None. Your an accident, I'm an accident. Who cares. We're both just cosmic goo. Why is murder wrong? I'm just speeding up the death process. Humans have no greater significances than a bug. So who cares?
If I'm right....
I go to heaven, and live eternally.
You have a fun life, but then go to hell, and suffer eternally.
Meaning of life: To serve God. And accept Jesus as our savior and go to heaven. We are God's children, which makes us very special and precious, and killing one o gos children is a grave sin.

If your right, oh well. Theres no meaning or reason anyways, and we're both going to die. But if I'm right, you better hope you find God, or else your in trouble.
