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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Aaron Avatar
Is it that you can't split between your interests or you just don't have any? I'm more or less like Chris, got a dozen things i'm really interested in, so I decided i'd go for whatever payed best. Seems ideal if I want to move to other things later on.

I guess it's more towards the latter, but it's not that I'm bored by everything it's just that I don't know really know if there's something so interesting that I've gotta study it.

Oh and I took a collegeboard test that was completely off. Like, I got an archaeologist, an art major, and then engineering. Felt like a random answer sample.

Spektral Avatar
Hmm. Your problem is that you don't answer my shop requests on time.


I can now die peacefully knowing what I did wrong.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Ess Ohh Avatar
Chris Avatar
I'm in the same boat, except, I just know I want to do engineering... among other things. I've got 6-7 things on my list. :P It's brutal. Maybe take some personality tests. They can give you a good idea. I know has some stuff like that. *shrugs* It might be helpful.

What kind of engineering are you looking into?

Computer, electrical, mechanical, and chemical are the main three. >.< I also count Computer Science as a type of engineering when I refer to engineering.

Ess Ohh Avatar
Oh and I took a collegeboard test that was completely off. Like, I got an archaeologist, an art major, and then engineering. Felt like a random answer sample.

I never said the tests were accurate... just like personality tests. They're not 100% accurate, but they can give you a good general feeling from time to time.
