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Eric Avatar


November 2005
Wrighty, what's your username/email thingy? PM me if you don't want to post it.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Josh Avatar
It's not really that rapid. I just get five o'clock shadow after 5-6 hours and they didn't like that.
Thank god my hair doesn't grow that fast. I can typically get away with two days of no shaving.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Dude, thank god you haven't told her how you feel yet. It's far too soon for that, you need to drag it out more. In fact, all relationships I've had I never told the girl that I was interested in her before going into the relationship. Our relationships just escalated into dating and going out.

Of course maybe I'm over analyzing considering your age...


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Josh Avatar
Eric Avatar

Ever shaved your pubes and let 'em grow back out? Ever notice that it's itchy between those stages of trimmed and unkempt? It's like that. It might just be me though.

I did it once, yes. And the only problem I had was the burning sensation (which, again, I have NEVER once gotten on my face. Nor have I ever cut myself when shaving the beard clean off) which lasted for about an hour. It never itched. It also never burned after that first hour of hell.

While we are speaking of pubic region, be careful putting icy-hot on a your inner thigh (if you've played soccer for any reasonable amount of time, I am sure you have pulled a muscle in there). That shit will burn your nethers so fucking bad it isn't even funny.

I know. I definitely know.

But as far pubes go, after the first few times of shaving, I've never had a problem with them. The biggest issue the first time was ingrown hairs. Holy shit, that sucked so bad.

As far as facial hair, it always gets itchy when I let it grow out. Also take note that I do live in FL though, which has ridiculous humidity.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Josh Avatar
Eric Avatar
Clean shaven. It's much easier for me. Itchy face sucks.

I've been rocking a full beard for the better part of the last 5 years (minus shaving it off every 2-3 months and last summer when I had a job). I have never had a problem with it being itchy. I just can't fathom why it would be itchy. Seriously, my beard is no longer than the hair on my arms or legs, why is it that they don't itch?

But yeah, full beard and mustache. Right now the beard is about an inch long, I had it trimmed when I got my last haircut when it was about 2 and a half inches long. I love the way I look with my beard. I let it grow completely naturally. I don't shape it or trim it or make it neat. I just let it grow. I've tried really growing it out but my mom threatened to shave it while I was sleeping so I didn't do it. Figured it was easier to just not to.

Ever shaved your pubes and let 'em grow back out? Ever notice that it's itchy between those stages of trimmed and unkempt? It's like that. It might just be me though.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Clean shaven. It's much easier for me. Itchy face sucks.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Andrew McGivery Avatar
1. The ability to touch a woman on the forehead with my finger tip, and it cause her to have an instant mouth forming orgasm.

2. The ability to reach through my monitor and punch idiots in the face.
Mouth-forming? That sounds... disgusting.

I'm going to assume you meant mouth-foaimg.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Yeah, neither. Though I would like to go deep sea diving. Off a diving board just doesn't seem... appealing.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Dr Manhattan. 'nough said.

Or if that doesn't count, the power to control space and time.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
I just put it up and deal with the results. No finicking with A or B.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Aaron Avatar
Nah, nah. See, when they say quality, they mean you gotta put in the effort to articulate what you gone say. A picture means you aren't tryin' hard enough.

And c'mon. Internets is serious business. Wouldn't make any sense if all the good stuff was to confined debates or articles. You're thinkin' too casual. Every post should be a mini-blog about your experience with the topic.

I would have just quoted that, but that would be spamming.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Chris Avatar
It's funny 'cause we used to have these rules but removed them after discussion with Scorp. Hmm.... :P

Also, posting a post that just contains a large image (with a few exceptions, such as "post your desktop/picture" or "post a funny picture") will typically be looked at as spamming.
A picture is worth a thousand words...

Just for the record, I'm not a fan of the crack down.


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Conor Avatar
Eric Avatar
Well at least you can get the epic fail at ratios achievement.

That wasn't a ratio, so I believe you get the "Just Plain Fail" achievement.

Ratio: "The relationship between two numbers.... Any fraction, quotient, proportion, or percentage is a ratio."

Half: "One half is the irreducible fraction resulting from dividing one by two (½), or any number by its double;"

Relation to topic: learned at school.


Eric Avatar


November 2005


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Conor Avatar
Quacker Jack Avatar

what the fuck are you talking about? I am not going for an achievement. >:(

You spelled about half the words wrong.
Well at least you can get the epic fail at ratios achievement.