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Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Got a kick out of the Beatles reference.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
On April 16th, you'll be able to choose whether you want the ads above the second post or below the welcome table. Don't do too much to the coding.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Anywho, I can see why some say we've gone overboard with v2. Though, if we hadn't of added in things to top v1, there would've been complaining.

So i'll rephrase, then? "You've gone overboard trying to top v1." And again, content is an important part of the forum, too. That's something you need to focus on more than the skin.

Plus, as he said, endure it for a whole minute or two and set it to v0 or v1 in your profiles.

I understand that it's the only option, but don't talk about it like it's "just that simple." I'll say this again too, most people don't log in unless they find a reason to (otherwise they're just bored). And considering SZv2's layout completely rearranges anything PB-familiar, it's a pain-in-the-ass to scroll, load, and find out where everything has been put. In a world where i'm one click away from being in China, i'm not going to waste "a whole minute or two" to log in JUST to get things rearranged and log back ouut again. That's a reality that, though rediculous, is all too true. And honestly do you think I won't eventually leave if I keep logging in and seeing that no one has posted?

Besides, it got great comments by almost everyone, yet...they all up and left?

Yeah, apparently they did. Look, when it was released I thought v2 was great. That mind-set hasn't lasted though, has it? It's not hard to call something "great" and regret it later. Happens all the time. Hell, that's the moral of practically every story ever written.

Last Edit: Apr 8, 2007 12:52:23 GMT by Aaron


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
But the whole reason there are more designers is because they get more attention. :P


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
It has taken nearly a month to get 16 replies for that competition. Do you honestly think anyone is still interested or even still around at this point?


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Members come and go, yeah. But with SZ, it's not as though a few people said, "that's it, we're done." It's more like the whole forum did. A good deal of people left all at once. I think that's saying something.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
That's why we keep v1 and v0 around however. SZ's typically known for being unique, but I guess we did go a bit... "far" with v2.

There is such a thing as too unique. And it doesn't take a fancy layout and coding to be different. I'd recommend leaning toward actual content to accomplish that. As you said in the main post, you've been lacking there.

But if you want SZ to be active again, just keep advertising.

Studio Zero HAD active members. You're saying to keep advertising. That's just going to bring in NEW members, not bring BACK old ones. And those new members will leave for the same reasons the old ones did.
Think about that. Everyone obviously left SZ for a reason. Fresh blood isn't going to help anything.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
cddude229 said:
Set it to never log you out? :P

Pft. Now you're just trying to raise the "most users ever online" count. :P

And let's be realistic here, alot of people actually have their cookies cleared from time to time (some more than others, and with the coding I do, almost everyday).


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
I understand you have v1 and v0 selectable in user profiles...but the thing there is, you'd have to log in to reduce loading times (and to get everything organized the way you like). Which is something half the world would never bother with. Especially considering most people don't log in unless they find a thread or something they want to post in.

When v1 was up, that's what I did. I scrolled down to the coding boards, browsed around a bit, and logged in if I saw something interesting. But again, i've been avoiding SZ because doing this has become an utter pain.

Actually, considering how active SZ's code request board was at the start of SZv2 (and before it), I was pondering whether or not to call this place my new home and start helping out in the boards. :P Of course, that's become an unattractive thought by now. But i'll be sticking around a bit to see where this whole discussions leads.

Last Edit: Apr 7, 2007 20:01:54 GMT by Aaron


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
I think you went a little too far with version 2, myself. Proboarders are used to a certain structure amongst PB forums. A structure that you can tinker with to a degree, but don't want to remake entirely.

I'm used to a simple navigation system without having to roll over "Home" or whatever to get to where I want.
I'm used to seeing Post AND Thread cells on the main page.
I'm used to being able to see information without having to click hide/show buttons all the time.
I'm used to seeing User Information in profiles displayed completely vertically.
Yada yada

You've changed everything around and it's honestly a pain-in-the-ass to be forced to browse around for a couple minutes before figuring out where everything has been placed. And i'm really not willing to take the time to get used to it.

If that's not your biggest fault, i'd say loading time is. I mean sure, I see "coding ran in 1.51... seconds" at the bottom of the forum, but that doesn't mean anything. At all. You have a code IN the source that's keeping track of how quickly the page loads. A code that mind you, has to load as well. So, it's more like, I click the home buttion, wait 7 seconds for the page to appear, than wait 1 second for the body to "load."


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
The coding boards are actually starting to pick up (even though it's all dberg). They're really the only ones I visit.

But you're right. This place seems dead. And the only reason I can think of for this is loading time. Though SZ loads relatively fast, there's still a waiting period. I'd be on alot more often were it not for that.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
You've obviously never seen Princess Mononoke if you don't think it has violence. It's one of the goriest animes I've ever seen. Now go rent it or find it on YouTube.

I'd have to agree. I don't watch much anime but that was a very good movie.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
bill said:
Though all of the people who could have potentially seen it are dead at Nyos, I'd love to be able to know what it would look like.

99% died. Some DID live to witness the overturn in it's final stage (when the rocks penetrated the bottom layer). They reported hearing a deafening bang followed by a tower of white.

"This tremendous release in pressure blows the water sky-high, soon followed (in the case of Nyos) by a wave believed to be over 80 ft. sweeping in-land; dragging trees and sediment back into the lake."

Last Edit: Feb 25, 2007 14:21:51 GMT by Aaron


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Somewhere in Africa. You'd have to google it.


Aaron Avatar
Bad Wolf

Dedicated Studio Member


November 2006
Yeah, I believe both Lake Nyos and Lake Munoun (pardon my spelling) erupted in the '80s. I am surprised to hear of it's possible ties to the bible...makes the whole event that much more interesting.