Welcome: [/color] To one of the first ever member-ran contests, Guess That Font! Name's Jack, Mr. Jack to be exact, and I will run this with the help of Mr. Hotshot. Before we get started, if you have any questions regarding about gameplay, etc. (PLEASE not about Studio Zero points), PM me. Thanks and be sure to enjoy yourself![/font][/right] How to Play: In Guess That Font, the objective of the game is to correctly identify snippets of a certain free font. Hey, it might sound easy, but it can become quite challenging.
Basically, I'm going to make an image using a certain font that can be found on a free font site called DaFont.com. The image shall contain at least 3 symbols and no more then 10 symbols. Note that the symbols can be alt codes, punctuation, letters, etc. Then, a user can guess which font is in the graphic. If that user is correct, the round is ended and a new round will start. If not, keep guessing. Note that there will be 10-20 rounds in this game/contest, based on when I should stop.
To join in on this game, just join in. No need to register or PM, however, if I don't add your name after at least 2 days of playing Guess That Font, please PM me asking me to do so.
The following additional rules have been made:
- Users may not guess again until I have
- When answering, your answer must either
be (A) A hyperlink to the dafont, or (B) Bolded/Unerlinded/Italics/etc, whatever makes it stand out, so I don't mistake it.
- All new participants who receive coins
during rounds 12-15 will receive triple the normal amount of coins if the total coins awarded is >40 coins, and will receive double the normal amount of awarded coins if the total coins awarded is <40. This is so new players can compete in the final round, Final Font.
Hints: Hints shall be given out in a round, but know that only a certain amount will be given out, based on difficulty. If the round is on a scale, one to ten, a 3 or less, 1 hint shall be given. If it rates as a 4 to 7, 2 hints may be given. If it rates to be higher then 8, 3 hints will be given. Note that 1 hint must at least be after 3 incorrect guesses, but it may not occur. Coin-Earning: Earning coins (the reward system for this game, I don't want this to be confused for Studio Zero Points) is quite easy but rather limited, as there are only a few ways to earn coins or lose coins. The following coin rules are in effect:
- You will earn up to 100 coins a round for a
correct guess, all based on round difficulty on a scale of 1-10. All earnings shall be pre-decided before the round, though not told to the public.
- For every incorrect guess, you will lose 5
coins (upto 20 based on round difficulty), unless otherwise stated at the beginning of the round.
- All hints shall subtract 1/5 of the possible
amount of coins earned. Will round to nearest coin.
- 15 coins = 1 Studio Zero Point
- You can have a negative "coin" balance,
but you won't lose any Studio Zero Points.
Leader Board of Players : BrienOCD = 453 Coins Webmistress Jesse = 360 Coins Gravieth = 230 Coins
Current Round: Game Over Difficulty: - Coins Possible: - [/size][/font][/left]
Last Edit: Jul 15, 2009 0:09:44 GMT by Quacker Jack
Good luck everyone.
Can I play (even though I downloaded DaFont (all of it-ish) three weeks ago)?
if so, I'll catch this...
I started using this one for an Army game I'm working on...
You spelled my name wrong. It's Jesse and not Jessie. lol. Can I guess now or do I have to wait?
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
Yes, no one needs to ask me to join. Just play, and I will add your name.
Ok, thank you for fixing my name.
I want to say it is Crystal clear.
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
I want to say it is Crystal clear. Nope. Remember also that the font was, and always will be found at dafont.com. -5 Coins
A slight Coin Update has been made.
Last Edit: May 28, 2009 14:13:09 GMT by Quacker Jack
Yeah, I know that. That is where I got make guess at. I guess I need to go and look back though it.
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
I believe its Capture It.
I believe its Capture It. Correct. *Adds name* +30 Coins
The next round is up. Below is your image. It has a difficulty of 4.5, and the amount of coins possible is 45.
This has to be Crown Doodle. Edit: I just download that font last week to make something for my sister's myspace.
Last Edit: May 29, 2009 3:29:28 GMT by Jesse
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
This has to be Crown Doodle. Well that was fast. Correct. +45 Coins
I'll get the next one up soon, I got to go take a bathroom break.
I like said in my edit. I download that one last week to make something for my sister's myspace. lol. I know where to find it. lol. Edit: Now that puts me at 40 instand of -5. lol.
Last Edit: May 29, 2009 3:32:38 GMT by Jesse
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!
Jesse, I know, I just didn't update it yet. The next round is up! Sorry I forgot transparency, but I'm too lazy to fix it. I won't be answering tonight.