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Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
Seriously, designers, no matter what age, just don't be able to seem to spell correctly.
Perhaps they can but they are simply too lazy when online, OR maybe they think by misspelling stuff, it's gonna start their own stupid trend and make them popular? Or, they are just dumb idiots and that's why they design instead of code? :-X

Who knows eh?

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
I am actually good with spelling, I just have a problem with typing cause my hands can't keep up with my brain so I tend to type the letters of the next word and random shit like that lmfao.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Andrew McGivery Avatar
I am actually good with spelling, I just have a problem with typing cause my hands can't keep up with my brain so I tend to type the letters of the next word and random shit like that lmfao.

I have that problem with talking. XD


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Fredy, I do the same thing, but I also go back and fix my typos. Most of the time. :P

Stinky: Remember Nooki? She had an outrageous problem with spelling stuff correctly. >.<


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Chris Avatar
Fredy, I do the same thing, but I also go back and fix my typos. Most of the time. :P

Stinky: Remember Nooki? She had an outrageous problem with spelling stuff correctly. >.<

Sara was epicly horrible at spelling. Ugh. I used to talk to her all the time on MSN. It was horrible.

And I'm not that bad at spelling unless I am tired. Then all bets are off.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
I actually have really good knowledge of the english language, thanks very much :P

I just don't like capitalizing stuff. like the e in english up there should have been capitalized. *shrug*
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
after about 12am, I am fucked for spelling :P


Eric Avatar


November 2005
i feel that i have ridiculously good spelling, but my fingers are too lazy to move over half an inch to the shift key. life's a bitch.

Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Eric Avatar
i feel that i have ridiculously good spelling, but my fingers are too lazy to move over half an inch to the shift key. life's a bitch.

god I know? god damn shift key.


Jesse Avatar
Just a mother doing graphic designing!


May 2007
Andrew McGivery Avatar
I am actually good with spelling, I just have a problem with typing cause my hands can't keep up with my brain so I tend to type the letters of the next word and random shit like that lmfao.

I do this too. I also have dyslexia and reading comprehension which really doesn't help at all. :'( I have a feeling this is because of me. :'(

Edit: I have ff set to for it to auto help me spell, but it doesn't always catch everything and I use Google to try to help me spell stuff that I don't think I'm spelling out right, but spell check isn't catching it.

Last Edit: Jul 3, 2009 21:14:58 GMT by Jesse
I don't do graphics anymore! Leave me alone about it!


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
Your friggin' theory doesn't hold up for me, pal. In addition to designing, I also do coding. On top of all that, I am one of the biggest grammar Nazis with whom you could ever speak (Notice how I rearranged that sentence so that it wouldn't end in a preposition). I don't make any more spelling mistakes than I would when writing an English paper. :P


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Your poorly cut out avatar makes me want to punch something really hard.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Yeahhh, I may not be a super designer like others. However, I still manage to spend about 2/3 of my online time in Photoshop. So that counts for something. I'm the best speller in my family, and I tend to go back and fix typos in a post, even if it takes me days to see the typo. I can't stand them, they frustrate the hell out of me.

Then again, on MSN I'm like Benjamin. My mind goes faster than my fingers so I have the horrible habit of either leaving out words or rearranging the letters on accident.

Last Edit: Jul 4, 2009 3:20:55 GMT by Kay


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Kay Avatar
Yeahhh, I may not be a super designer like others. However, I still manage to spend about 2/3 of my online time in Photoshop.


Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Conor Avatar
Kay Avatar
Yeahhh, I may not be a super designer like others. However, I still manage to spend about 2/3 of my online time in Photoshop.

This thread is on spelling errors, dear. Not proper punctuation. That was suppose to be a period. >_<
