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Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Today, AT&T blocked all NSFW portions of 4Chan. Completely blocked. This includes on the most popular pages on the net, /b/. Now, as you can imagine, this is not going to go over well for AT&T.

Anonymous (the internet's very own terrorist organization, for lack of a better term. To put it simpy - you DO NOT FUCK with Anonymous. Period. read their Wikipedia page to see what I meant) has already pledged to support 4Chan and go to battle against AT&T. When I say battle, I don't mean that you'll be seeing a federal case titled AT&T, Inc. vs 4Chan anytime soon. No. I mean they have already stated that they plan is to take down all of AT&T's internet networks (not sure if this includes cell phones or not yet) for at least a few hours, if not more. On top of this, they have already posted the office address, phone number, fax number, and email address of AT&Ts CEO and have threatened to release his home address and phone number by tomorrow night if 4Chan isn't unblocked.

Basically... if things don't change and don't change soon, there will be blood. If you don't believe me, then you obviously do not know how devoted 4Chan's userbase is nor do you understand just how Anonymous goes about doing things.

Anyways, this brings us to the main point: Net Neutrality. There's already the Great Firewall of China. Last year saw my ISP, Comcast, throttling torrent downloads. And now... now we have one of the most popular sites on the net being blocked by AT&T. Does AT&T (or any ISP, for that matter) have the right to have any say in what we view, say, or do online? Do you think that blocking a site like this goes against free speech and is therefore breaking Constitutional law? Speak!

EDIT: Apparently the info I had was wrong. From what I am reading now, they have no intention to take down the network nor do they wish to release the guy's address.

Last Edit: Jul 27, 2009 4:13:28 GMT by Josh

Great Firewall of China
Epic Term, Josh. Love it

TBH, I've never come across 4Chan before, but I agree that AT&T's blocking is ridiculous. Under what grounds is it blocked? Seems OK to me.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Well, from what I can tell it has gotten considerably worse since I went to bed. Earlier just was blocked and only /b/ and /r9k/ were on that address. Now the whole of 4chan is supposedly blocked though I can't confirm that right now. If you have AT&T, you can't see 4chan. Period. (I am reading conflicting reports right now. Some are saying the block has ended. I am tired like a motherfucker so who knows)

The ground were either AT&T got tired of people using their ISP to DDoS 4chan (this happens often to 4chan for whatever reason) or they blocked it because of content, mainly childporn.

If it is the first one, AT&T is in for an ass whipping. Last year's Comcast Torrent Throttling decision set a precedent where an ISP can slow down one's internet to a specific protocol or site because of high bandwidth from a single user. This does not allow them to cut off access to that site for that one user, much less the entire 15% of the current population that uses at&t right now. They can only slow down access legally in the case of using their ISP to DDoS a site, not block access.

If it is the second bit, 4chan wins again. It's censorship. When a child porn image goes up on that site, it lasts a few minutes and promptly gets deleted. If they got blocked because of a problem that they have under control, AT&T has broken the first amendment as far as I am aware. (If they didn't have it under control, it would be a different story. But 4chan is good about that stuff)

I'll try to figure out if it is still being blocked in the morning when I can manage coherent thoughts. CAn't do that right now. haha

I can understand the DDoS thing, but wouldn't that be more of a end user policy issue?
The child porn issue changes everything, well, end user anyway. Surely 4Chan have some "hold harmless" policy? But if the are taking measures to prevent/delete uploads, then I can't see the issue. Hell, you'd have to block Google and stuff for that, surely some nasty stuff gets a visit from a GoogleBot?

Does proxy avoidance work? - Or is that a silly question?

I can see social compliance playing it's part in it somewhere...


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Having that in the TOS would be illegal in itself. So if someone is DDoSing 4chan, they still cannot shut it down for that person. But they are doing it for the entire network.

And yes, proxies allow you to get through


Jake Avatar



December 2005
I'm running AT&T internet at the moment, however, 4Chan isn't blocked for me.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Yeah, it looks like they unblocked it.


abZebras Avatar



June 2008
4chan won, lol.

Hail Tron Guy...


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
abZebras Avatar
4chan won, lol.

Not yet. They are planning to submit fictitious reports all around the web tomorrow about the CEOs death and are trying to hack AT&Ts website to put up images saying they are no longer selling the iPhone. All in an attempt to crash their stock.

They also have released the name, address, phone number, social security number, employment status, age, and picture of the guy who was DDoSing the site and caused all of this. He's in trouble. lol


Jake Avatar



December 2005
Don't you just love Anon?


Michael Avatar
*Has a custom title*


October 2007
I have the Info about the AT&T owner... To be honest, this isn't surprising... Censorship is taking over! :(


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
It was no big deal after all, I guess. Read this.

Also appears that Anonymous has pulled off any planned attacks on AT&T


Xylish Avatar

Ghost Admin


June 2005
:( And here I am looking foward to some Anon raid at AT&T's HQ.
Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist :)


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
If AT&T had done it for censorship, they would have been COMPLETELY screwed. :P
