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Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
So yeah. Had a dream last night. I was Harry Potter. I was with Bonnie Wright (the hottest girl in the movie series, the one who plays Ginny) and I was fighting Voldemort. I was disapparating across the world trying to outrun him. I had stolen his wand and he was even more furious at me than normal.

So yeah. I'm a geek. Any one else ever have geeky dreams?


Michael Avatar
*Has a custom title*


October 2007
I dreamt I was Freddy ... I woke up covered in cum! :(


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Michael Avatar
I dreamt I was Freddy ... I woke up covered in cum! :(

I... um... don't know what to say.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
There is nothing you can say to that Josh. Nothing.

I don't dream, so, yeah, no. :P


~Memzak~ Avatar
Inquire never, so always need elephants.

Senior Member


May 2009
I dreamed that powder game ( a dan ball game) got updated with a new element and I was testing its usefulness and was going to e-mail listo asking how he coded it...

yea... geeky...


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Last night I had a dream my friends and I were being attacked by a serial killer. Basically anything I did or didn't do got one of my friends killed. Kind of creepy.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Eric Avatar
Last night I had a dream my friends and I were being attacked by a serial killer. Basically anything I did or didn't do got one of my friends killed. Kind of creepy.

You subconsciously want them dead. *nods*


nrich Avatar



October 2006
i've (finally) gotten into the habit of keeping track of my dreams when i wake up. i've got a dozen written down so far. some are vague, some are detailed

this is one of the more recent "detailed" dreams i had (which i guess can be somewhat geeky if you interpret it that way, so WATEVA):

ran into pam who said she'd drive me to metalfest
i said wait and went back to the camper on my bike listening to music
took a really long time to get my clothes on
my shoes and socks kept coming off and i had to find them
modest mouse concert was involved, someone skipped through it all
this girl in a green blouse and her friend walked by
we made eye contact and she came by asking everyone if she was cute
i didn't say anything and it pissed her off
as i went outside and was about to leave i said "hey, you look great"
she ignored me so i said fuck it i'm going to metalfest, BYE
walking to get back to pam
went through an open house and overheard guys talking
the best metal bands, i said "ANACHRONISM"
then said to the guy next to me as i left "they listen to pussy metal"
i went down the balcony steps and into another house
this guy was telling me about how his friend does this thing with his hand on the steps
and as i try to went down them a spider jumped at me

then i woke up. it was pretty scattershot which is strange how i remembered most of it

Last Edit: Aug 2, 2009 21:55:42 GMT by nrich


Eric Avatar


November 2005
Josh Avatar
Eric Avatar
Last night I had a dream my friends and I were being attacked by a serial killer. Basically anything I did or didn't do got one of my friends killed. Kind of creepy.

You subconsciously want them dead. *nods*
I've been watching Criminal Minds recently, so that probably explains it.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
Eric Avatar
Josh Avatar

You subconsciously want them dead. *nods*
I've been watching Criminal Minds recently, so that probably explains it.

That's a creepy ass show.

I had a dream once. I was this dancing tree, and the girl I love had decided to have sex with me. I got her vag all splintered though, sho she chopped me down. :(

Elemental M

Elemental M Avatar

Official Member


July 2009
I've never had a geeky dream but I do have scary dreams. I dream about Michael Myers killing me a lot.


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
Conor Avatar
Eric Avatar
I've been watching Criminal Minds recently, so that probably explains it.

That's a creepy ass show.

I had a dream once. I was this dancing tree, and the girl I love had decided to have sex with me. I got her vag all splintered though, sho she chopped me down. :(

...that is fucked up.


Conor Avatar



July 2007
You're telling me. :P

Chris Avatar
I don't dream, so, yeah, no. :P
Of course you do


abZebras Avatar



June 2008
Conor Avatar
Eric Avatar
I've been watching Criminal Minds recently, so that probably explains it.

That's a creepy ass show.

I had a dream once. I was this dancing tree, and the girl I love had decided to have sex with me. I got her vag all splintered though, sho she chopped me down. :(

I lawled.

I had a weird dream just this past night, but I seem to already have forgotten it.
