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Legendary Studio Member


June 2008
I have had some crazy dreams, but none "geeky" lol. Lately I haven't been having dreams its kinda odd.. Or I just don't remember them, but today I did have a dream and my mother woke me up because I had to get ready to come to the library and do my homework before I have to go to work. It was a great dream too I didn't want it to end and it did.. Always happens. =/


Xylish Avatar

Ghost Admin


June 2005
I had a dream...that I am on a Boat!
Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist :)


Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
just had a dream where it was life or death to know that the Lost number 4 was replaced with 5 and the guy who did not know that was hit with lightning and dropped down a 24 story hole. O_o

I haven't had those. But I do get weird dreams like that atleast once. :P

I had a dream that I could travel faster than bullets. haha.. Weird...
