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OK, it's totally Japanese, all the English patches I've used nackered it up and I cannot afford the bandwidth to keep reinstalling and patching. Ive found that I do not know as much Japanese as I like to think I do. I know enough to get through the most basic components of the GUI, but that's it.

Anyone know of a working EN-US patch for Vista?

I know it's a double post, but it's really worth it, I promise ^_^

Finally got into this game, it's a rather nicely done MMOSG. The only thing is, it's 100% Japanese...

..Not a problem! I'm a quick study.

It features three of the greatest Animé series, Da Capo, Clannad and Shuffle! As you may know, for some reason, I love Da Capo, and Clannad's high on my favorites list too. Shuffle, I have yet to watch. I'd better wrap this up with a video link, before I turn into a girl.

Enjoy, but not too much, eh...

And now I know that the laws of physics will allow an animé girl to exist, I'm off to buy a CAD unit, capable of making a 5' 6" Asakura Otome...

Last Edit: Aug 31, 2009 7:06:33 GMT by newfieldgrafix


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
So...what's this game about?


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
I remember reading something about some OCR software you could use. You'd get an English-to-Japanese translator running in the background and have a script that pulls the text and auto-translates it running along-side the game. I tried using it to play a Japanese game, once, but it ended up only providing crappy translations. You may able to get something better out of it.

I honestly can't remember where I found it, but if you Google or Bing it long enough, you're bound to come up with something.

Last Edit: Aug 31, 2009 14:05:26 GMT by Scorpian

Absolutely nothing (I think) you just walk around and talk to various other [real] people, do quests, for money, buy stuff and look like your favorite animé character -although it's expensive get a complete look...

There's basically 3 islands (one for each series) connected by one central island, Akihabara. And it does look a little like the actual city.


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
I like how all the girls are wearing either short-shorts or mini-skirts. ^_^

I do, too, but alas, I'll be hitting the uninstall when I get round to it. I don't have patience for it. And screw paying $60 (yeah, that's real money) for a uniform - you can get a bloody real on for that. English is completely banned in public, and no amount of apologies seem to suffice for the odd "English?" - I wrote it in Japanese, naturally. All people seem to do is just stand there an do nothing.

But, yeah, screw that! - It looked good, but it's utter shitakke...

..See what I did there..?...


teroshe Avatar
I love Japan

New Member


January 2010
hey could someone plz give me a copy of ai sp@ce if they have the game
Japan is a Bautifull country lots of Bautifull people i really love how there citys look
