So, unfortunately I'm away for the week because of some fraternity stuff. I'll be back Saturday or Sunday (hasn't really been clarified.)
Thank you, may I have another?
Thank you, may I have another? Nah, we just have to stay at the house and clean the place. "Help week" or "work week" or "Hell week" depending on whom you ask.
Tell your Frat to shove it up their asses.
Tell your Frat to shove it up their asses. I'd kinda like to become a brother. No thanks
We'll be hearing from you soon then, brother Chris
Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist
Farewell brother and come home strong with stories of what happened XD
Well, I'm now back from Help Week, but instead I'm back at school. I should have a bit more free time this semester to post and be active around SZ though.
I come back and you LEAVE!?
I come back and you LEAVE!? Well, if I didn't people would never figure out that you're actually my second account. But shhh!
Oh yeah, I forgot about this, you erm, complete third party.
Oh yeah, I forgot about this, you erm, complete third party. Shhh...