I was bored so Tovveh gave me a graphics project to make a website for an eco-friendly dry cleaning website. It turned out a lot worse than I wanted, but nonetheless some critique would be good.
You need 10 posts before you can post in here.
You need 10 posts before you can post in here. "We require you to have at least 10 posts before posting your website in here." I see no website in his post.
Man, Zell, your a douchebag.
A douchebag with friends...
Pity you both collectivley have less skill at graphics than my cat.
pwned. Man, Zell, your a douchebag. *You're <3
End this please, this is a discussion about art.
Looking for a coder, PM me.
End this please, this is a discussion about art. Hmmm, it's weird, I never usually get involved in forum squabbles. You're right as per usual iiPod.
And i'd like to remind you that hate and prejudice is against ToS, and if you PM me again, i'l report you.