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Zero Insanity

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Senior Member


August 2005
Hello my good friends of SZ if you remember me! This be BassX/SonicX if you don't know. Anyways, I'm here to show y'all a flash game that I've been helping with for a very good while, SSF2. :D

What have I've done to help in this project make as it is? I've made the Menu Design, 2 Stages (Waiting Room and Subcon/MKII), Multiple Character Sprites, Items, and along a few others that you will soon see! Anywho, me and the other Developers for this game is currently working on v0.7 (no idea when it be released publicly). But, I'll be sure to update y'all if your interested. :)

Well, here's the link if you want to play on the website itself or download it without the wait of loading.

Enjoy, and please do so comment! Thank you for your time! :)

I love it. There's one graphical thing and a few bugs though...

The Button "on Mouse over", It's animated. There seems to be a noticeable position "jump" between the last frame of the tween when it loops to the first.

I will point out that it starts windowed. I know, I know, but maybe a full screen option. I notice that you haven't disabled the Ctrl + F command. It rendered fine for about half a second, then lost the graphics resulting in this (scaled down):

After leaving FS, I got this error. I checked a few times to check:

I'm assuming from the disabled context menu and dependent files that you used a third party application (Hippo?) to publish the final EXE. This could be the cause.

Resizing the window itself brings no errors and the application renders as expected.

I can't debug beyond this point.

I must also compliment you on your use of saving preferences, but there seems to be no config file of any sort, so I'm assuming you're using the Flash "Local storage".

I can't comment I can't comment on the functionality of the game, since it's not there yet.

Last Edit: Aug 13, 2010 5:16:45 GMT by newfieldgrafix
