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Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
So, I just realized I've never posted any of my work. And, I figured now that I have a web design job (yes!) it was as good a time as any, especially considering the fact that for the first ever, I'm stuck.

What I'd like to know is:
1.) What you like about it
2.) What you don't like about it
3.) What I'm doing well
4.) What I could improve
5.) You're thoughts on what I'll probably end up changing
Basically just pick it over. I'm wanting it right now, especially since it's my first paid webdesign job...........

And yes, I know, it's horribly uncentered, that's becuase I did a terrible cropping job.

And what I'm probably going to change is:
1.) The color scheme
2.) The nav bar.

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2010 20:56:02 GMT by Aryna


abZebras Avatar



June 2008
-Separate the banner from the pink bg that surrounds it.
-Fix the banner in the sense that as i'm looking at it now, I don't really know what I'm looking at
-Clarify the text, both in the banner and menubars, because it takes a second too much to read either.

Last Edit: Sept 4, 2010 5:32:32 GMT by abZebras


Quinine Avatar

Senior Studio Member


May 2007
Everything is too stretched, pixellated or blurred. What program did you create this with?


Aryna Avatar

Senior Member


August 2009
Serif Webplus 10, so, yeah, a lot of that is just because it's a screenshot, I probably should've actually said that.

And, thanks, this all helps. Althoughmost of it I was going to do anyway, but it's reassuring to know that someone else was thinking the same thing.
