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Josh Avatar
Where were you when Reach fell?

Legendary Studio Member


May 2008
My final project for the semester. Again, we could only use resources provided to us.


Stinky666 Avatar

Senior Member


December 2009
I have to agree with greezebelieve (who commented on your dA) about the font size.
I think because of the size, the "key features" you advertise up the top look awkwardly placed. Especially the first part "2.8" touchscreen..." being on two lines.

I also think that where you've coloured certain words pink, you should try to rearrange because, to me, it looks pretty messy.

Something possibly like so:

introducing the LG Voyager....
   - 2.8" TOUCH & secondary messaging screens
   - QWERTY keyboard
   - V CAST mobile tv access
   - 2.0 MEGAPIXEL camera
   - FULL WEB browsing

I understand that above is red.
Something like that just looks more organized, tidier, and more professional in my opinion.

Last Edit: Dec 9, 2010 23:56:36 GMT by Stinky666


loverboiv3 Avatar

Official Member


February 2011
:: rate 4 ::
My only issue is the top menu on the right the pink word " products " needs to be a white or black color, the pink blends to much.

otherwise amazing!
