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Root Avatar
Got Donuts?

New Member


July 2011
Hey guys I dont know coding at all but id like to learn.

Whats the easiest coding language to learn for proboards?


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Well, I answered your PM with this:

Every modification to PB (with very few exceptions) is written with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Only the extremely advanced ones incorporate PHP or another server side language.

If you're looking to learn, start with learning HTML. you should be able to read ProBoard's HTML source before trying to modify it with JavaScript (you need to know what you're modifying, right?) After that, I would think it's worthwhile to learn CSS, but you don't necessarily have to before jumping into JavaScript.

Also, moving to Hangout since that's a better place for this discussion.


Root Avatar
Got Donuts?

New Member


July 2011
All Right chris thanks
