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CannibalRobotics Avatar

Official Member


June 2009
Eeee! I'm so glad to finally be done with this! It's a little thing I've been working on for months. I came up with the character idea I think after a dream I had. It's the first work I've finished with my tablet. However I only used the tablet to color and shade. :/ But still, I'm pretty darn proud. Now there's several mistakes I made, like the crooked pupil, but let's just say that was totally and completely on purpose ;) . Anyways, please take a look and feel free to leave your opinions. :3


Deko Avatar

Senior Member


October 2005
I like it, the only thing I would change is the bang hanging over on the right side. It doesn't seem to hang naturally. Other than that it rocks pretty hard ;) Are you going to be doing more with this character or will this be the only one?
