Can we make this a link to our profile page so we can view the new achievement? Or potentially add the description into the pop up so we can know what we did to earn it and/or what achievement pack it belongs to?
I think it needs an entire overhaul actually. Ideas: 1) Link to achievements tab/page (it's a separate tab in v5) 2) Ability to find achievement description in the popup 3) Ability to minimize instead of just close 4) Will keep achievement notifications there until you clear them
I like all of those ideas. Glad we're on the same page.
Yep. Let me know if you have any other ideas. I'm already planning to have it be in it's own bar similar to the PBN bar.
I like that idea, where will it be positioned?
PBN bar is currently in the lower right, so ours would be in the lower left.