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Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
So, what's your opinion on codes being admin editable?

Is it a waste of space? Does it dumb down the community?

Does it make life simpler? Is it easy and should be done for every code?

I personally hate admin editables, unless they're for complex things that can't be edited otherwise.

For example: A admin editable change forum width code is pointless. But CrossFury is a perfectly good reason to be admin editable becaues it'd be nearly impossible to edit manually otherwise.

A generator would be more useful then an actual admin editable code. Sure, admin editable codes seem nice and friendly, but they are just pointless for reasons like this.
  • Makes the community seem stupid for not being able to edit a little line between two quotes.
  • Ineffeciently coded usually. Some people are stupid and will not use location checks. Or for things like making a code to align text in the miniprofile to the left, and then removing topic icons, they aren't coded to work together.
  • Use of inputs, textareas, and selects. Most people don't know how to work with selects using properties/methods such as options and selectedIndex. They'll do things like selectObject.value instead. Yes, sometimes this will work (I've sseen it work before, so shush. :P), but this won't be veyr effective for CB coding.

So, what's your opinion?


Nate Avatar

Official Member


July 2007
Yes I do make them, because their easy and members love them. But all they do is make members lazier. I think everybody on PB/SL/HB/CF needs to know how to edit a javascript variable. I agree with CD with something like crossfury it is neccesary but for Thom's Width editor it was useless.


Llanilek Avatar
Former Elite Mod

Dedicated Studio Member


October 2005
i stress this to everyone i come across there is no point using codes if you don't know how the hell to work them... if a code is that bad to need an admin editable hack then maybe its ok but coders tend to comment their values that need changing anyway.. its just a case of people learning to read lol


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Nate: Yeah, you basically said what I meant. :) You don't need to be able to have admin editable for simple codes. But for complex codes you need admin editable because otherwise you'll confuse the crud out of members.

Yami: Or if they don't leave comments, the variable names are descriptive enough.


A¦3X Avatar
Kick It...

New Member


November 2005
bakura said:
i stress this to everyone i come across there is no point using codes if you don't know how the hell to work them... if a code is that bad to need an admin editable hack then maybe its ok but coders tend to comment their values that need changing anyway.. its just a case of people learning to read lol


ScottCool Avatar

Senior Member


November 2005
they make editing take less time and make it more easy if you dont know how to code for some rally simple thinks the should not be used for some sure use them.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
But you seem to miss one of the main points. It slows your board so much its insane.... The added lag is rather uncontrollable, because there's no good location check for the Admin page. And most people don't loop through the div's.

For example, though this works

It ignores maitenance mode possibilities.


Sasuke Avatar

Senior Member


August 2005
Yea,Admin Editable codes are only suitable for complex things such as Trip's Karma hacks...and I guess my PB Theatre could be non-admin editable,but it'd be a pain editing the lines of code everytime you wanna change a video.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Maybe if you made it so they could have multiple and added mroe features, then it'd be useful. :P

*Brings back very old thread*

I personally think that admin editable hacks are useless in most cases. I don't think it is necessary to have an admin section for a category splitter, not even how kick ass it is. Or a multiple-hack thing, like Get Nuked or whatever. But if you are making a super wild RPG, then I definitely feel it is necessary.

But as for it slowing down boards greatly, it really wouldn't with a good location check, would it? All it is doing is replacing content of a form, and adding a few pages, basically.
