ok. so i'm working on a script. heres what i need.
right now i'm using an <embed src to play a song. is it possible to have a script refresh the page when the song is finished playing?
uhhh well you could have a function start when the tag loads (onload) and have a timer that is set to the length of the song, when the time has passed do the window.refreh() thing or whatever it is
"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King
the problem with that is that its a random song everytime you load the page, so it a different time each time :\
might have to do a php one on this, since files are server side you would have to get the file size of the file before the script is run... to my knowledge anyway
Would you mind inserting the length of the song (in seconds) along with the song link? Cause then it can be done.
no i owuldn't mind doing that. and to make your lfie easier, ehre is the code i'm currently working from: