Alright guys, Im working on a theme park simulator in Dark Basic Pro. Something like the old roller coaster tycoon games. I made a video of my artificial intelligence following waypoints on a path, but it only half works because they follow the path in what oreder the tiles were laid down. Im trying to make them smarter so they search the paths around them then move to one of thems, but I have to write an A* algorithm >.< So heres the video: My Theme ParkThe boxes moving are going to be people so. Its a work in progress. Tell me what you think
Have you tried making a three way path for them to travel to see if that makes a difference? ___ | | | ------ ^ Badly done, but you hopefully get the idea. Anyways, that looks awesome. Keep up the good work on it.
I cant decipher your "picture" Chris, lol. But Im getting the full version of DBP soon, so I can really work on this.
Under score and dash = horizontal pathway. Bar = vertical pathway.
Ok, your current path is diagrammed as this: __ | | ----
It's two parallel horizontal bars and two vertical bars. I'm suggesting this: ____ | | | ------
Two parallel horizontal bars and three vertical bars, adding an additional path as an option.
Yah, they will eventually do that. They will choose a random way to go if the tile on the matrix is walkable. Im very close to getting it working. I just ordered the full version of DBP, so this is gonna go into work!
Well, good luck with this. It should be a nice project to see completed.
Waah. Can't see it, I get a 404 error.
Waah. Can't see it, I get a 404 error. Video shows for me.
Waah. Can't see it, I get a 404 error. Video shows for me. Because its a new month = new bandwith. Im still working on this, but it has slowed down to it because of all my marching band stuff = we practice like crazy.
Ok, now I can! Totally cool! Good Luck!