Due to the lack of, buttons, smilies and a lot of things.. I didnt put any credits on the template. But, heres the PREVIEWMain Footer: <style type="text/CSS"> div.head { text-align: center; } div.head a { position: relative; top: 7px; left: 10px; } </style>
<script type="text/Javascript"> // Advanced Category Splitter v3.0 by Chris // Do not redistribute without permission of the creator /* DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE */ var him = []; var fim = [];
// EDIT HERE var type = 1; // 1 = Original ACS type. Text in head image. // 2 = Head/Base images with cat name in normal row. // 3 = Head/Base images with cat name in the Forum Name row spot.
var markAsReadType = 2; // 0 = Mark as read button is not shown at all. // 1 = Mark as read button is in own row in final category. // 2 = Mark as read button is in the footer image underneath final category
him["URL"] = "http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Head.gif"; // URL of your header image. Required only if using type 1. him["height"] = 30; // Pixel height of your head image. Required if using a head image
fim["URL"] = "http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Base.gif"; // URL of your footer image. Required only if markAsReadType is 2 fim["height"] = 30; // Pixel height of your base image. Required if using a footer image.
var forumName = 1; // 0 = Don't include the forum name row. Note: This can mess up the cell sizes. // 1 = Include the forum name row.
var defaultCats = [ // These are the category ids for the categoriess that will be hidden on the first time the page is viewed. Last one does not have a comma. "category1id", "category2id", "category3id", "category4id" // NO COMMA ON LAST LINE ];
var spacing = 10; // Space between the categories.
// DO NOT EDIT var aTB = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"); var isIE = (document.all?true:false);
if(!document.cookie.match(/debo=1/i)){ defaultCats.push("debo"); for(a=0;a<defaultCats.length;a++){ document.cookie = defaultCats[a]+"=1;expires="+(new Date()).toGMTString().replace(/\d{4}/,"2050"); } }
function hideShow(i){ var i2 = document.getElementById(i); i2.style.display = (i2.style.display=="none"?"":"none"); document.cookie = i+"="+(i2.style.display == ""?"0":"1")+";expires="+(new Date()).toGMTString().replace(/\d{4}/,"2050"); }
var div = document.createElement("DIV"); var sp = document.createElement("DIV"); sp.style.height = spacing;
if(location.href.match(/action=home$/i) || !location.href.match(/(action|board)=/i)) document.write("<script type='text/Javascript' src='http://www.iycatacombs.com/codes/acsv3/normal"+type+".js'><\/script>"); </script>
Global Header: <style type="text/CSS"> /* CSS Forum Resize */ table tr td table.bordercolor, body table.bordercolor { width: 700px; } </style> <div align="center" style="align: center;"><div style="width: 700px;" width="700">
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementsByTagName('td')[2].style.display="none"; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementsByTagName('font')[1].style.display="none"; </script>
<style type="text/css"> <!-- .newstitlebg { background-image: url(http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Header.gif); background-repeat: repeat; }
body { background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: top; background-color: #838383; } .menubg { background-image: url(http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Menu.gif); background-repeat: repeat; text-align: center; valign: middle; } .titlebg { background-image: url(http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Gradient6.gif); background-repeat: repeat; } .catbg { background-image: url(http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Cat.gif); background-repeat: repeat; } a:hover { color: #CACACA; text-decoration: none; } .nav:hover { color: #CACACA; text-decoration: none; } //--> </style> Global Footer: </div></div> Because, Im so n00bie, I didnt host much (remember it is my first template). So.. had to put links to the gradients and BG. i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Header.gifi76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Menu.gifi76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Gradient6.gifi76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/Cat.gifi76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/BLAHsheep_2006/BG.gifBut Ive hosted then, (I wont delete the account so u can use it for atleast a few years).
Forum Colors Click HereComments please.
If you through in a banner, it'd pull the whole template together quite nicely... and it isn't bad for a first template.
Thanks. ^-^; for the nice comment
I'll try and make a banner.. *too lazy*