Hi everyone! i'm Reverse Blade I'm a graphics designer.. and thats about it (nice coding here)
Thanks (on the coding). Welcome to the Studio of Zero (which was Xylish/Joe's nickname at opening). Hope you enjoy your time here, and if you need anything, feel free to PM me.
Welcome to SZ!
Enjoy your stay.
>_> That makes it sound like it's some sort of hotel... Oh well. Happy posting. XDD
Welcome to Studio zero mate, enjoy your stay.
Welcome to SZ! Enjoy your stay. >_> That makes it sound like it's some sort of hotel... Oh well. Happy posting. XDDCan't we all live like that. Yep, Studio of Zero. A co-operation of Studio Zero Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ex-admin, designer and founder of Studio Zero. Currently working as a Dentist
Welcome to Studio Zero, enjoy....
thx everyone
Muahaha. Welcome to Studio Zero, as you have already observed, we have some weirdos aboard, don't mind them, laugh, and point, and you'll make it through. But don't let them cough on you, they're contagious. Again, welcome.