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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Hopefully this thread'll do better than it did at HF. It's really not complicated.

We all know video game stereotypes -- specifically RPG's -- exist in games everywhere. But hey, once you get used to 'em, you kind of don't mind that they're there. I'll post some off the top of my head, and add some more later. Most of these apply to RPG's. Go ahead and post some of the stereotypes (meaning typical things that always happen in video games) you've noticed.

• The main character in any RPG will always be an orphan of some kind. Later on in the story he will find out that his parents (if he had any) aren't his real parents, and he must go on a quest to find himself.

• The main female character will always have a large rack. In fact, they'll put in another female character who doesn't so everyone can laugh at her.

• You don't need to show remorse when fighting an enemy's army. I mean, they don't have families or lives or anything. The fact that they're in the group you oppose is reason enough for you to slaughter them without mercy.

• In fighting games, you will always have this one boss who's impossible to kill, but once you kill him and unlock him, he sucks.

• Sleeping at an inn will cure anything and everything -- even death.

• You're just a small-town guy, but you can wield enormous swords, and you and your party who have little-to-no battle experience can quickly and easily shred an entire trained army to pieces.

• If you have any really cool abilities in an action game, ten minutes later it'll be revealed as a flashback and you'll have a character who sucks. Same goes for RPG's.

• Standing on buttons or pushing blocks will easily open well-designed traps.

• Your characters always wear the same clothes, no matter what the occasion. Even if you were supposed to be meeting the president of a well-renowned company, showing up in your soldier's garb with a few of your casual buddies won't give any bad impression at all.

• Swords > guns. It's common sense.

• The main character will always encounter a mid-life crisis after being separated from the rest of the party during the game.

• After you beat the final boss, whatever you're in, no matter what it is, will explode with you escaping at the last minute.

I'm sure there are more I skipped, but that's a good start.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Jeez, I think you just about covered them all. I don't know what else to add.

Umm...every RPG, past, present, or future, will have a dragon to fight.

The main character of every RPG will use a huge 500 pound sword.

That's all I've got for now really...


Jamie85 Avatar

Studio Member


August 2005
You mentioned mine :P All female game characters must have overly large breasts XD


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
ACtually, Jamie, no. :P In Tales of Symphonia, they have a flat chested, dumb blonde. >_> Its sad.

Sterotypes? God, I can't remember what I posted.


There will always be a dramatic death of some family member/ally and then they will end up coming back later and end up only of passed out from lack of sleep or something.


Rouno Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
I can't think of many, since SO covered most of them. I think this could be one:

Someone in the party will somehow betray the others.


Lou Cypher

Lou Cypher Avatar

Official Member


September 2005
cddude229 said:
ACtually, Jamie, no. :P In Tales of Symphonia, they have a flat chested, dumb blonde. >_> Its sad.

Sterotypes? God, I can't remember what I posted.


There will always be a dramatic death of some family member/ally and then they will end up coming back later and end up only of passed out from lack of sleep or something.

Like when Gorion gets a sword shoved through his gut? :P XD

It makes perfect, logical sense for a rogue to be able to hide in the shadows in the middle of a well-lit corridor with no shadows whatsoever. :P

Muted Faith has some funny RPG stereotypes:

Last Edit: Sept 20, 2005 15:00:29 GMT by Lou Cypher


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
That actually pretty funny. XD

As for them dying and coming back... in Tales of Symphonia, every character except the main main character dies in one scene... and they're back standing on a ledge right before the biggest fight of the game.


FantasticSnowman Avatar
Spark Your Imagination

New Member


September 2005
Most of these apply to Golden Sun... I never noticed any of these though, since GS is the only RPG I've played.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
fantasticsnowman said:
Most of these apply to Golden Sun... I never noticed any of these though, since GS is the only RPG I've played.

Then you haven't lived.

I mean, go play some RPG's. There are a lot of good ones out there.


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
He's right.

Another RPG stereotype (from Golden Sun), is that there is always a god like figure involved at one point or another.

Golden Sun: The towers and then Poseidon in the 2nd one.
Tales of Symphonia: Angels
FF2 (SNES): Cecil is half a god


Just because your four (Usually) random people, you can defeat thousands of enemies and over come bosses that not even gigantic armies could defeat.

All you have to do is kill a few Bee's or Moles and you suddenly are strong enough to defeat bosses you couldnt defeat before.
