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June 2005
It's a FREE MMORPG game made by a korean company. It's also free! It's based on the chinese history of the opening of the silkroad, where you choose to be a chinese/european character such as Nobles, adventurers or ghosts.

Great fun! :D

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Free and good usually aren't used in the same sentence when you're talking about MMORPG's.

Nice find, though. Think I've heard of that before, but I'm not sure.


Deko Avatar

Senior Member


October 2005
It's a fun game, except there's alot of random downtime.

So everytime I want to play I'm like "Hmm, seems like a good time to play Silkroad" *alert* "Sorry, we can't connect you to our servers right now. Sucks for you.." Meanwhile I bash the monitor with my keyboard.

But yeah, totally fun game ...

Last Edit: Jan 5, 2006 5:25:38 GMT by Deko


anubis2591 Avatar
I'm a cat.

Official Member


September 2005
It seems like there are alot of RPGs and MMORPGs made by little known Korean companies. A growing trend?
