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.XeroCint Avatar

Dedicated Member


September 2006
It was released on the eleventh in Japan and will be released friday here....Are you ready America?

I heard it is doing well in Japan...



Simie Avatar



May 2006
What about the UK eh? Nobody cares about us :-/


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
simie said:
What about the UK eh? Nobody cares about us :-/

It's true.

I don't care, I can't afford it anyway. But, the earlier it's released, the sooner the price will be cut which is a good thing I guess.


.XeroCint Avatar

Dedicated Member


September 2006
hehe... i didn't mention UK cuz you guys are pretty far off....March 2007...


Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Good luck to anyone trying to find one. Sony just cut its shipment in half, which was already a cut number. Up to 200,000 units for Friday and less than a million by year's end.

This also makes it really hard to get one for reselling on eBay unless you're ready to camp. Like, from five days ago or so. Still can't believe people are spending thousands on it.

Gonna wait for a major price drop, though.

Edit: damn you, Gamasutra for your misinformation. It's still 400,000 units for NA, I think.

Edit again: never mind, it was 200,000. lolz @ me

Last Edit: Nov 23, 2006 1:41:00 GMT by Ess Ohh


Simie Avatar



May 2006
I'd rather get a Wii to be honest :-/


.XeroCint Avatar

Dedicated Member


September 2006
Gah! I spent all of last period in school trying to shove into this one kid's brain that the PS3 has more PPs then the Wii...



Singular Avatar
v4 Studios :: Coming Soon

Dedicated Member


September 2005
I thought that over 200 PS2 games weren't compatible with the PS3?

Aside from that, can you still get those really long, weird, sliver controllers? Or do they have the same controllers as the PS2 but with a wireless chanel?
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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
kai said:
Gah! I spent all of last period in school trying to shove into this one kid's brain that the PS3 has more PPs then the Wii...


g0alieb0y said:
I thought that over 200 PS2 games weren't compatible with the PS3?

Aside from that, can you still get those really long, weird, sliver controllers? Or do they have the same controllers as the PS2 but with a wireless chanel?

I was wondering why the eff Microsoft couldn't emulate all Xbox games since the PS2-PS1 link worked so well. Now with the PS3, maybe it's not as easy to do now unless you want to make the system the size of a car, especially with two generations on board.

Hope the Wii won't have any problems playing GC games.

The boomerang controller has been dropped. The PS3 controller is the "Sixaxis," which is pretty much a DualShock 2, but it has LED lights for showing which controller you're playing (since it's wireless), and has a "PlayStation" button...which I think is for turning the system on/off (assuming so, anyway). It also has six-way tilting, but no rumble this time.

Oh yeah, as expected, the lines are friggin' huge everywhere. People started camping earlier this week. There goes my chances for eBay.

Last Edit: Nov 20, 2006 4:38:26 GMT by Ess Ohh


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
I want one, but not that badly. There is one good game for it and yet, people are selling them for up to $25,000! Who in God's name would pay $25,000 for ONE game that, though awesome, isn't the greatest game ever?!


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
i'm not really interested in getting a PS3. i can't believe some of these people will buy a PS3 for +$1,000.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Someone got shot in the face for one of these. =0


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
i really found that ridiculous.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
I was gonna try to find one to sell it on eBay, but the whole camping out for a week beforehand thing was a downer.
