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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Yes, yes, what's up and welcome to Studio Zero's first video game screenshot caption contest. Previously done on other forums, now brought here 'cause of various reasons or something or other, here's how it goes:

I give you guys five screenshots of a video game, hopefully in some awkward/funny pose or situation, and you give a caption of the pic...making it funny. The ones that are the best I'll give a high five to. Actually, because I don't have any other ideas, the winner gets to choose a reward that I'll agree with based on whether or not I could/want to do it. I'll leave this up to the winner(s), I guess.

Now, normally I actually take these screenshots myself with a digital camera for an added flair of authenticity, but I didn't this time for multiple legitimate and well-deserving reasons:

--I'm lazy
--I don't know how well this would do on a non-gaming focused forum
--I wanted to get this up before I go back to school and would have no time to do so
--I'm not the opposite of lazy

Now, on to the screenshots. What game, you ask? The same game I did for the very first SCC (this is the third, technically): Super Smash Bros. Melee. Why? Almost every still moment in this game is awkward somehow. Anyway, here are the entries:

Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

Screenshot #4

Screenshot #5

Anyone can play, and everyone should play, even if you haven't played it (which you should, too).

Rules (just in case):
--one entry per screenshot, so five entries per person max
--be funny

Deadline: have in all your entries by Sunday, January 14, and yes, this means you can do it on Sunday, too. Then I'll judge it or whatever and the winner can pick a prize.

Well I think that's it, so have at it. Any questions, comments, suggestions, or random stuff you wanna say can go here or in the ideas thread.

Now let's rumble.


mukei Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Screenshot 1:

Shiek: Damn, I need to work on my whipping skills. Bow, Mario. You know the Legend of Zelda games are freakin' better than the Mario Series.

Mario: Mama-mia!

Secreenshot 2:

Yoshi: What are you looking at? Can't I get a bit of privacy around? Sheesh.

Screenshot 3:

Link: Noooooo....I missed the wall.
Bowser: Sorry man, I missed your hand. Guess you gotta die this time.

Screenshot 4:

Princess: *hypnotizing* Look at the pretty blue colors...
Mushroom guy: I'm going to eat the purple thing, mommy!

Screenshot 5:

Bowser: Talk about nice effects!
Kirby: I'm hungry.


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Screenshot 1:
Shiek: You've been a bad boy Mario... you know what time it is.
Mario: Mama mia. I hate the "time".

Screenshot 2:
Yoshi: Ahh... much obliged... *sniff* *sniff* Ahhh God! It smells! It smells like a dump! Good Lord!

Screenshot 3:
Bowser: Playing hookey eh? Well I'm not going to tolerate that! You get back to school, NOW!
Link. T_T

Screenshot 4:
Peach: You set this upon me Toad. If I'm gonna die, you're coming with me then!
Toad: Peach, you little bi-
*explosion sound*

Screenshot 5:
Kirby: Kah Meh Hah Meh HAA!!!
Bowser: Blast you Kakarot- I mean, Blast you Kirby.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
Screeny 4:
-Peach: he going to fit that whole thing in his mouth?

I've got nothing funnier to say about this. =/


Sunshine Avatar
You are my sunshine

Dedicated Member


August 2006
Pic #1:

Guy with the whip: Give it to me!
Mario: Nooooo! MINE!

Pic #2:

Do a little dance... make a little love... get down tonight...


Link: I just want to deliver the mail!
Bowser: GRRRR...

Pic #4:

Peach: Take the little one!

Pic #5:

Bowser: Good...bye... my.... son...
Kirby: No! Father!

I My Boyfriend

In his hand
the pen that lied
this is how
the author died

¿Quién te cortó las alas mi ángel? ¿quién te arrodillé para humillarte?


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
These are hard to come up with something funny for. >_> Or even remotely humorous.

Mario: *matrix dodge* Can't touch this *insert rest of song. :P*

The egg was never heard from again.

Bowser thought playing Frisbee with Link was a good idea.

Toad, bringing new meaning to "Human Shield" for princesses around the world.

Did Bowser think Kirby was cotton candy? Was Bowser a sexual predator? The world may never know now that Kirby ate him.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
You guys just don't think outside the box. Or aren't perverted enough, I dunno. Anyway, last day to get all the entries in.


Lucifer Avatar

Mythical Studio Member


August 2005
shadowyone said:
You guys just don't think outside the box. Or aren't perverted enough, I dunno. Anyway, last day to get all the entries in.

I've got plenty of funny things to say, but I don't for fear of offending someone. I could make a joke about dildos and jews (not for the same screenshot, mind you), but I think that might be a bit extreme.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Whoa, WTF, I said think outside the box, not rip it open and take a dump in it.

...Oh wait, not for the same screenshot. Well I'll try and rate them eventually and make a new topic, and say what I would've done.

Last Edit: Jan 16, 2007 3:44:39 GMT by Ess Ohh
