I think I bought this back in July when I bought the Trilogy edition (3, VC, and SA included), but just finished it last night (storyline mission-wise. I rented SA like a while back so it was kinda hard to get back into this but I managed. Driving around a huge city is always fun after all. I'm gonna start Vice City next, and by this rate I'll have it done by Christmas at the earliest.
I'm sure someone else's played this so we can yak about it.
I have played all the Grand theft auto from III and on. execpt for the re-make for vice city.. I think it was vicecity stories or something. i was impress the one before it so i didn't get it.
I would have to say SA was the best of them. able to do more things, that what i liek about the game. SA was the largest for me to beat but did it.