This class will add availability to drag/drop any element on a page, simply include this code into your header: document.dragObject = false document.mousepos = new Array zIndex = 100
DragObject = function() { if (arguments.length > 1) { for (a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++) { new DragObject(arguments[a]) }
return false }
if (document.getElementById(arguments[0])) { this.id = arguments[0] this.object = document.getElementById(this.id) this.object.onclick = function(){return this.beginDrag} this.object.onmousedown = this.beginDrag this.object.onmouseup = this.stopDrag this.object.className = 'dO' } }
DragObject.prototype.beginDrag = function() { document.dragObject = this.id return false }
DragObject.prototype.stopDrag = function() { if (document.getElementById(document.dragObject)) { document.getElementById(document.dragObject).className = 'dO' document.getElementById(document.dragObject).style.zIndex = ++zIndex } document.dragObject = false }
ddMM = function() { e = arguments[0]
try { document.mouse_x = e.clientX document.mouse_y = e.clientY } catch(e) { try { document.mouse_x = window.event.x + document.body.scrollLeft document.mouse_y = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop } catch(e) { try { document.mouse_x = e.pageX document.mouse_y = e.pageY } catch(e) { alert('Could not initiate mouse movements, please report.') return false } } }
if (document.dragObject !== false) { dO = document.getElementById(document.dragObject) dO.className = 'dO_Drag' dO.style.position = 'absolute' dO.style.left = document.mouse_x - (dO.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px' dO.style.top = document.mouse_y - (dO.offsetHeight / 2) + 'px' } }
try { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) document.onmousemove = ddMM } catch(e) { try { document.onmousemove = ddMM } catch(e) { alert('Could not initiate mousemove') } }
rfalse = function() { return false } For example: <img src='http://gzevolution.net/pic/sk_avy.jpg' alt='' id='dobj' ondrag='return rfalse()' /> Ensure the drag element has an id, and this: ondrag='return rfalse()'Next, in javascript: new DragObject('dobj') To make multiple drag elements: new DragObject('dobj', 'dobjb', 'dobjc') And lastly, this css is optional, and can be customized to your own needs: <style type='text/css'> <!-- .dO { cursor: hand; }
.dO_Drag { cursor: hand; filter:alpha(opacity=40); -moz-opacity: 0.4; } --> </style> Might be useful, I have yet to find a use yet though =P - Zero Tolerance
Last Edit: Nov 5, 2005 13:58:01 GMT by Zero Tolerance
I saw that drag/drop image of yours ages ago Good job
....This scares me. What exactly does catch() and try do?
....This scares me. What exactly does catch() and try do? That's part of the try... catch system. Should what is executing in the try fail, it will go to the catch. Good job ZT, I see you made it crossbrowser.
I dont get it? It doesn't work for me?
Further Solutions :: Hosting :: Scripts :: Templates furthersolutions.com
v4 Studios - Coming soon
I dig the opacity change
The try/catch is basically an attempt to execute code without failing, for instance, if a browser doesn't support code within the try execution, it will continue without stopping due to errors, if a catch is added it will execute that on failure, mainly used for crowss browser really.
Anyhow, glad people like it, let me know if you can find a use for it.
- Zero Tolerance
Wow! That script is really good! I may make somthing out of this...
Further Solutions :: Hosting :: Scripts :: Templates furthersolutions.com
v4 Studios - Coming soon
Ah.... That makes sense. Then one last question, what's with the parameter "e" in catch()?
Ah.... That makes sense. Then one last question, what's with the parameter "e" in catch()? that's the event
That is nice!!! I like the opacity thing.s
Yeah. How hard was it to make? BTW: hp.mad_, check your PMs at CF.
Further Solutions :: Hosting :: Scripts :: Templates furthersolutions.com
v4 Studios - Coming soon
Its ZT, it was a breeze for him. I wouldn't have even known what functions to start with.
Yeah. How hard was it to make? BTW: hp.mad_, check your PMs at CF. Ummm not to get off topic here, but: I don't have any new pms if you send me something, resend it lol.