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Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
Recently in my school board, there has been a rather large debate pertaining to cellphones. One side says they should be banned because they are a distraction in class, while the other side says they are a necessity to some students, and should not be banned.

Should cellphones be allowed in class? in school? or not?



Arucard Avatar
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Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
I think cellphone should be allow by be hidden or silence until school is over with. They are not really hurting anything unless a student takes it out and starts playing and game or texting out in front of everyone.. I think as long the cellphone is keep out of site until school out there is no need to ban them.


Josh Avatar

New Member


July 2009
I like the way my school district does it (mind you, they have 30,000 students to watch over). Out of sight, out of mind. As long as it isn't out or making noise, you're fine. Now a days, they are a necessity. You can't just ban them. It's way past that now. Let them stay and just keep a strict confiscation policy. If it is seen being used during class or makes any sound at all, it's gone until the end of the day. Of course, I know a few teachers let their kids use their phones to take pictures of notes and as long as they have a way to print them up, they don't have to take notes. I think it is ridiculous to ban them altogether
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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Just tell the kid to put it away if it's a problem. Confiscate, punish, etc., if it's more severe, but I can't imagine a whole cell phone fiasco going on in a school to the point where they have to ban it.

Then again, tag wasn't allowed when I went to elementary school. That was effed up.


Josh Avatar

New Member


July 2009
shadowyone said:
Just tell the kid to put it away if it's a problem. Confiscate, punish, etc., if it's more severe, but I can't imagine a whole cell phone fiasco going on in a school to the point where they have to ban it.

Then again, tag wasn't allowed when I went to elementary school. That was effed up.

Haha. We got it banned at my school too. Except it was my grades (Yes, pretty much the entire grade. All 85-95 of us) fault. We liked to play battle tag... except battle may be an understatement. :P
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Mithras Avatar

Studio Member


July 2006
They shouldn't be used in class, but I see no problem between classes or before or after school.

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Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
Cell phones should be allowed after school ends. they shouldn't be allowed in class because they are a distraction. students should be allowed to have them, but they can't be on during school. thats the policy at my school and i think its the best policy for cell phones that i know of.


RS Avatar

Dedicated Studio Member


February 2007
Well it shouldn't be allowed , because it is irresponsible to have cell phones especially in class because they are gonna cheat on tests , send messages etc.. , and it would make you less concentrated in class which is gonna be harder for you in tests , so I am with the school of not allowing the cell .


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
Allow students to have them, but not use them. Basically, cell-phones are a "must have" anymore. My cellphone is my home phone, quite literally. I do not have a land-line at my dad's house. My mom's house has a land-line, but I never use it. I answered the phone at my mom's today for the first time in 5 months. Woo. :P

But anyways, schools need to allow phones in case of an emergency. If a parent needs to get in touch with a student ASAP, they can contact the student with a text or a voice mail message, which there's a good chance the student will check right after class. At a larger school, it can be near impossible to "call the office and tell them to give a message to your kid," since there's so many kids at a school.

Anyways, onto the point of games in class on phones. Woo-hoo, games. If a student wants to fail, they want to fail. The end. It's the same thing as when schools use laptops in schools, kids can be playing games or IMing. School's do need to enforce that kids can't play games, yes, but what can they do? Some places have passed so many laws that there is almost nothing a teacher can do anymore. Can't confiscate an item that poses a distraction to a kid, etc.

Meh, this post wasn't too coherent, but oh well.


RS Avatar

Dedicated Studio Member


February 2007
Heh , I have to go with Chris :)
