Titles -- $1600 The very addicting Triple Triad minigame was part of this title Another easy one. I was writing some of these back when people couldn't answer questions (either because of difficulty or just 'cause they couldn't read directions), so if I come up anything some of the future clues may be changed.
What is Final Fantasy VIII? Ok, that's a little creepy that Matt came online one minute after I posted that with the right answer. But we don't take away points for odd behavior in this contest, so Matt gets another $2000 and extends his lead. Go look at the rest of my times in this thread and the previous one. I am inside your brain.
Last Edit: Aug 5, 2008 0:50:47 GMT by Matt
Ok, that's a little creepy that Matt came online one minute after I posted that with the right answer. But we don't take away points for odd behavior in this contest, so Matt gets another $2000 and extends his lead. I checked, because I was fairly certain I was right, and these people say it's six and these people say it's five. Also, question: Are we allowed to use online resources to answer these questions?
Last Edit: Aug 5, 2008 7:27:52 GMT by Quinine
Ok, that's a little creepy that Matt came online one minute after I posted that with the right answer. But we don't take away points for odd behavior in this contest, so Matt gets another $2000 and extends his lead. Really? "What began as a collection of three console-specific websites in 1996 and officially became IGN in 1998"uk.retro.ign.com/articles/845/845097p1.html
Ok, that's a little creepy that Matt came online one minute after I posted that with the right answer. But we don't take away points for odd behavior in this contest, so Matt gets another $2000 and extends his lead. Really? "What began as a collection of three console-specific websites in 1996 and officially became IGN in 1998"uk.retro.ign.com/articles/845/845097p1.htmlReally. "Founded in September of 1996 as Imagine Games Network by, IGN began as six individual websites within Imagine Publishing: IGN64.com, PSXPower, Saturnworld, Happypeople.com, Next-Generation.com and Ultra Game Players Online."en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ign
...I should probably stop getting my answers off of Wikipedia. That's where I came up with the original six, but then again there's no source or citation to that or the other gaming wiki which says five. Ron's link comes straight from the horse's mouth and I'm more inclined to believe that, even though it only mentions N64.com. Are there any other links that can cite something like this? edit: I've been reading the other article more closely and I think some of the original six websites were part of gaming magazines, and not what would later become IGN's channels. And Corrupt, I'd prefer if you didn't use online resources but no one's going to burn you to a stake if you do so don't worry about it.
Last Edit: Aug 5, 2008 19:08:27 GMT by Ess Ohh
...I should probably stop getting my answers off of Wikipedia. That's where I came up with the original six, but then again there's no source or citation to that or the other gaming wiki which says five. Ron's link comes straight from the horse's mouth and I'm more inclined to believe that, even though it only mentions N64.com. Are there any other links that can cite something like this? Perhaps only three of the six websites were console specific?
Probably. But that doesn't help me pick an answer. On one hand there were at some point in time up to six websites (which still haven't been verified though), and on the other hand I mentioned channels because I had assumed they were all separate systems. I'll get back on this later. In the meantime you guys can help me combat my indecisiveness and pick the next question since Matt did get the previous one right (FF8). I've taken away the $2000 in the meantime.
Last Edit: Aug 5, 2008 19:40:29 GMT by Ess Ohh
Miscellaneous for $1600 please.
Why not just throw the question out and put a new one in with the same value? That was no dispute can be made.
I think sticking with the original call would be the best idea.
I don't use online resources, but I was thinking about it for the last question.
Why not just throw the question out and put a new one in with the same value? That was no dispute can be made. Then I'd have to come up with another $2000-like question. I think Ron's answer is right because it comes from IGN themselves, and is the closest thing we have to solid evidence for an answer. Miscellaneous -- $1600 This website fired one of their reviewers under pressure from a sponsor due to a poorly-rated game
Last Edit: Aug 6, 2008 22:04:01 GMT by Ess Ohh