function ReverseExpression(expr) { this.origexpr = expr; this.expr = expr.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } ReverseExpression.numberExp = /^(-?\d*\.?\d+)$/; ReverseExpression.operators = '+-*/^'; ReverseExpression.prototype.compute = function() { while(this.expr.match(/(\(([^\(]+)\))/)) { sub_expr = new ReverseExpression(RegExp.$2); this.expr = this.expr.replace(RegExp.$1, sub_expr.subCompute()); } return this.subCompute(); } ReverseExpression.prototype.subCompute = function() { this.add(); this.subtract(); this.multiply(); this.divide(); this.exp(); return this.expr * 1; } ReverseExpression.prototype.findValues = function(loc) { var values = new Array(); for(var num1 = loc - 1; num1 >= 0 && this.expr.substring(num1, loc).match(ReverseExpression.numberExp); num1--); if(ReverseExpression.operators.indexOf(this.expr.charAt(num1)) == -1 && this.expr.charAt(++num1) == '-') num1++; values[0] = this.expr.substring(num1, loc++); for(var num2 = loc + 1; num2 <= this.expr.length && this.expr.substring(loc, num2).match(ReverseExpression.numberExp); num2++); values[1] = this.expr.substring(loc, --num2); return values; } ReverseExpression.prototype.add = function() { var loc; while((loc = this.expr.indexOf('+')) != -1) { var vals = this.findValues(loc); this.expr = this.expr.substring(0, loc - vals[0].length) + ((vals[0]*1 + vals[1]*1) + '') + this.expr.substring(loc + vals[1].length + 1, this.expr.length); } } ReverseExpression.prototype.subtract = function() { var loc; while((loc = this.expr.indexOf('-')) != -1) { var vals = this.findValues(loc); this.expr = this.expr.substring(0, loc - vals[0].length) + ((vals[0]*1 - vals[1]*1) + '') + this.expr.substring(loc + vals[1].length + 1, this.expr.length); } } ReverseExpression.prototype.multiply = function() { var loc; while((loc = this.expr.indexOf('*')) != -1) { var vals = this.findValues(loc); this.expr = this.expr.substring(0, loc - vals[0].length) + (((vals[0]*1) * (vals[1]*1)) + '') + this.expr.substring(loc + vals[1].length + 1, this.expr.length); } } ReverseExpression.prototype.divide = function() { var loc; while((loc = this.expr.indexOf('/')) != -1) { var vals = this.findValues(loc); this.expr = this.expr.substring(0, loc - vals[0].length) + (((vals[0]*1) / (vals[1]*1)) + '') + this.expr.substring(loc + vals[1].length + 1, this.expr.length); } } ReverseExpression.prototype.exp = function() { var loc; while((loc = this.expr.indexOf('^')) != -1) { var vals = this.findValues(loc); this.expr = this.expr.substring(0, loc - vals[0].length) + (Math.pow(vals[0]*1, vals[1]*1) + '') + this.expr.substring(loc + vals[1].length + 1, this.expr.length); } }Example: var x = new ReverseExpression('5+(5*8)'); document.write(x.compute() + "<br />");For all of your reverse order of operation needs.
Last Edit: Sept 1, 2008 21:03:28 GMT by Eric