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Andrew McGivery

Andrew McGivery Avatar
Formerly Fredy

Legendary Studio Member


September 2005
well. Back to school is stressing me out. what about you guys? :P

I'm starting to wind down.... or trying to. I'm trying to go to bed earlier.... which isn't working. i went to bed at 6am last night x_x

But anyways, how is your back to school stuff coming along? :P



Gray Avatar

New Member


April 2013
Mine starts in two days. Not looking forwards too it.
Sleep is definitely a big issue for me though. I have to go from getting up at noon to getting up at 6 A.M.
Plus, I am a freshmen this year, so supposedly will get a lotta shit from upperclassman.


blu Avatar
My Person Text...

Official Member


January 2007
I went back to school a month ago. So I am doing okay right now.

gray929 said:
Mine starts in two days. Not looking forwards too it.
Sleep is definitely a big issue for me though. I have to go from getting up at noon to getting up at 6 A.M.
Plus, I am a freshmen this year, so supposedly will get a lotta shit from upperclassman.

I love canning Freshmen. ;D

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2007 3:31:40 GMT by blu

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
I've been in school for three weeks now, so I'm used to it (yyeaahh for getting Labor Day off). Winding down or whatever never works for me. I just tell myself to suck it up and know that I'm gonna be tired for a couple days. Then again, I never go to bed at 6 A.M. either, so maybe that routine does need a little winding down adjustment.

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2007 18:12:12 GMT by Ess Ohh


Rouno Avatar

Dedicated Member


August 2005
It's going fine, I suppose. I'm a freshman in college in now, so I dunno what to expect with only two weeks down.

It is a lot of fun, though. ;)


Arucard Avatar
I am the shadow, and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost, that hides in the night

Legendary Studio Member


September 2006
Yup is been hard, getting into the swing of things and getting ready for all thoese teachers...... oh wait i dont go to school :P

yea i always had a hard time going to bed early and what not.. it always took 2 weeks after to get use to it..

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2007 22:11:49 GMT by Arucard


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I've been getting up at 6:30 every morning for football/weight lifting since... wait, I never got to sleep in this summer! O_o Get my point? :P

But yeah, first day of school... x.x two short math assignments (calc and stats), one paragraph essay, a little bit of Physics reading... I hope it gets easier. >_< Not to mention not getting home 'til 7:30 because of football practice. That's a joy.

Miss Moose ♥

Miss Moose ♥ Avatar
Love The Moose.

Dedicated Member


August 2007
I went back to school more then a week ago. It's hard. I'm homeschooled but I take 3 subs(LA, Foods, and Careers) online. I get that load dumped on me on the seventh this month :'(


RS Avatar

Dedicated Studio Member


February 2007

I have till 28th of september to start school :P

Yeah but I finish school in like 4th of july or june or smething like that, so u guys finish way before me =/

Miss Moose ♥

Miss Moose ♥ Avatar
Love The Moose.

Dedicated Member


August 2007

Actually, I finished school on I believe the beginning of June last time xD

BTW, My b-day is the 27th of September xD My dad's b-day is the day after, the 28th of september. He's gift... The punishment of you! >:D XD jkjk Just thought that was weird and amusing


RS Avatar

Dedicated Studio Member


February 2007
lol :P

My b-day is 18th of september.



Kay Avatar
if I'm not here, I'm probably working.

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Started this past Tuesday. So far it's been pretty enjoyable. Nothing bad, but nothing too exciting. It's my senior year, so it's a blast being the rulers of the school. :D

Miss Moose ♥

Miss Moose ♥ Avatar
Love The Moose.

Dedicated Member


August 2007
Oh no. -_- I did the first day on my online school subject today. Even if it was just the intro course, the teacher went hard on us. >:(

Last Edit: Sept 8, 2007 2:38:51 GMT by Miss Moose ♥


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
First week's done. This weekend, I almost literally brought home my locker with homework... I left 4 books in my locker, out of 18. (Books includes binders and notebooks. I left 2 empty binders, and a notebook and a book from the same class in my locker.) Such a joy. x.x We'll see how long I last this year.


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
I have the second rough draft of my English essay due on Monday. I also have Pre-Cal homework, as well as an Economics test on Monday. On Thursday, I had a Pre-Cal test, and I also had a Physics test & Spanish III test on Friday. After Monday, I'll clear up a little bit, but that won't last for long. Trust me, you're not the only one with work. :(
