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Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
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Ghost Admin


August 2005
Pretty much only buy used games now, if I buy them at all. Used to buy new, and used to rent a lot before that (rentals have gotten expensive though).

What say you?


Scorpian Avatar

[ Bracket Admin ]


April 2006
I was always paranoid about game discs being so messed up that they wouldn't play. That's why I always tried to stay away from used games. However, I have a PS3, now. I have read many an article bragging about how scratch-proof Blu-Ray discs are. I may start getting used games, soon. Especially since the price of new games has jumped from a standard $50 to $60. I got cleaned out when I bought GH: Aerosmith (which was about 49% of a rip-off on the PS3). >.<


Salvager Avatar

Senior Member


July 2006
i tend to buy new games more often. i feel more comfortable buying a new game over a used game. i feel that the quality will be better.

I buy new games. Sealed games. I prefer that. Just as salvy said, the quality will be better.


Sinister Avatar

New Member


December 2007
I mostly buy used games. Just because i can get a larger quantity. Sometimes I worry about if it is going to work or not, but mst of the time in my case it works.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Most stores have a warranty period for used games, so I can understand the thought behind buying new for quality, but if you're guaranteed a working copy (for let's say, 30 days), might as well get it for cheap.


7.dust Avatar

Official Member


November 2008
Most the time new.

I like collecting all the cases and everything, and we don't exactly have any game places nearby which sell used games...those are only in bigger cities...:D

"Leave, but don't leave me. Look around, choose your own ground, for long you live and high you fly and smiles you give and tears you cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be."


crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
I don't buy a lot of games, so when i do, i buy 'm new. Most of the times i only buy games for multiplayer fun =p


Chris Avatar

Head Coder


June 2005
I tend to only buy new. I have the same fear for used, and I seem to buy more PC games now anyway.
