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abZebras Avatar



June 2008
Not good.

Quacker Jack

Quacker Jack Avatar



December 2007
I got a Toshiba Window Vista Laptop. It's pretty good... most of the time.

Most of the time? :P


Alusion` Avatar

Official Member


February 2009
I got a custom made computer. Most of my parts are from a Computer Show up in Pomona, CA.

Computer Specs:
INtel Core 2 QUad Processor Q6600 2.4ghz (Delicious Processor)
ASUS P5N-D NVIDIA nForce 750i SLI ATX Intel Motherboard
2x SLi Nvidia BFG Tech 8800gtx Overclocked (Fantastic Video Cards especially in SLI)
8gb of ram =]
2x 500gb hard drives plus another external HD which is like 300gb (Yes I have alot of space, and all HD's are almost filled up!)
Running Windows Vista

Super fast, and reliable.
I have alot of fans around my computer which uses alot of power. I need a better power supply.
Likes: Plays a great amount of games such as Crysis, Farcry 2, Grand Theft Auto 4, etc. I can multi-task like crazy.
Dislikes: My computer isn't organized. I have too much stuff such as movies, games, pictures, and music. lulz

Total Cost~ $1,500 now my computer would costs about 700 bucks.


Benjamin Avatar
#YOCO... You only color once.

Elite Mod


November 2006
I have two.

CPU: Intel C2D 2.16ghz
Ram: 2gb
HDD: 1 x internal 160gb, 1 x external 160gb
GPU: Intel GMA 950 64mb integrated
Monitor: 1 x 13.3" internal LCD, 1 x 22" external LCD
OS: OS X Leopard 10.5.6

Advantages: It's a mac
Disadvantages: Internal HDD is kind of small, graphics are such a joke I can't even play WoW

Gaming Rig[/b]
CPU: AMD 3200+ 2.0ghz, overclocked to 2.45ghz
Ram: 1gb
HDD: 1 x 160gb, 3 x 20gb, all internal
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 6600 256mb, overclocked to 435mb
Monitor: 1 x 22" external LCD
OS: Windows XP Media Center, Windows 7

Advantages: Can play Halo and WoW
Disadvantages: Runs on windows, is a few years out-dated.

Last Edit: Mar 11, 2009 3:01:24 GMT by Benjamin
Lucifer Avatar
I'm gonna start dishing out internet beatings if people keep it up with this 4chan shit, I swear.


spiritheartlady Avatar

Dedicated Member


April 2008

I got a Toshiba Window Vista Laptop. >:( It sucked badly gave it a 0 fell apart in 2 weeks the keys fell off I asked for my money back, now my Sony VSIO laptop I give it a 10 buy Japanse you get what you pay for, I have a Lenovo desktop hm lets say it have to be fixed every other day or week I give that a 2.
I had gateways they where great till my last one was always needing fixing everyday.

Ess Ohh

Ess Ohh Avatar
help me

Ghost Admin


August 2005
Dell Dimension something or other.

It's getting old and slooooowww.


Spektral Avatar

New Member


July 2009
I have a phone.

Lol.. no no... not a computer. =P


crazynarutard Avatar

Senior Studio Member


August 2005
Ess Ohh Avatar
Dell Dimension something or other.

It's getting old and slooooowww.

It was old 10 years ago =p you should really get a new computer.
